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Introductory Video Transcript


Middle States Accreditation, An Introduction

SUNY Cortland is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

More affectionately known as Middle States or MSCHE.

Benefits of Accreditation

  • A chance for us to look at ourselves authentically and realistically and get feedback from our peers.
  • New York State Education Department lets us operate.
  • We are eligible for over 50 million dollars in federal aid.
  • Other institutions acknowledge the credits and degrees that we provide.
  • We learn about ourselves and how to improve.

Accreditation is a self-study and peer review process that looks at critical aspects of institutional effectiveness like how well we…

  • Teach and support students
  • Govern
  • Enact our mission
  • Manage our resources
  • And do it all ethically and with integrity

Every eight years, we do an extensive self-study that is then reviewed by a team of peers from other colleges.

The review is based on seven standards and our own institutional mission and strategic objectives.

Middle States Standards

  1. Mission and Goals
  2. Ethics and Integrity
  3. Design and Delivery of Student Learning
  4. Support of Student Experience
  5. Educational Effectiveness Assessment
  6. Planning, Resources and Institutional Effectiveness
  7. Governance, Leadership and Administration

The shark (image) on the previous page has nothing to do with Middle States or SUNY Cortland. Just making sure you’re still with us.

Basically, do we:

  • Know who we are and what our purpose is?
  • Where we’re going?
  • How well we achieve our mission and goals?
  • Know and address areas for improvement?
  • And do we have evidence for our findings?

As Guns and Roses so eloquently asked, “Where do we go now?”

  • Middle States Committee and Working Groups are beginning to study the standards, identify stakeholders and look at evidence.
  • Engaging the whole campus in understanding mission, planning and self-study.
  • We have a chance to address areas for improvement as we study them!

Our current plan is to:

Thanks for watching!
