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  Issue Number 20 • Tuesday, July 16, 2019  


Campus Champion

Madeline Berry discovered SUNY Cortland through her passion for running. A chemistry class unlocked her academic curiosity. Now, under the direction of Associate Professor Frank Rossi of the Chemistry Department, she’s preparing for her final year doing what she loves. Madeline earned the 2019 David F. Berger Summer Research Fellowship, an award for SUNY Cortland’s top undergraduate student pursuing independent research in biology, chemistry or psychology. She is helping to develop a method to track how a virus moves through a cell. “Chemistry challenges me and its problem-solving principles apply to many life situations,” Madeline said. 

Nominate a Campus Champion

Thursday, Aug. 22

President’s Opening Address and Faculty Meetings: Corey Union Function Room, 8 a.m.

Thursday, Aug. 22

New Student Move-In DayResidence halls open to new students attending orientation, between 1 and 4 p.m.

Friday, Aug. 23

New Student Move-In DayResidence halls open to new students who attended orientation, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Saturday, Aug. 24

Student Move-In DayResidence halls open to new and returning students from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Sunday, Aug. 25

Student Move-In DayResidence halls open to new and returning students, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Sunday, Aug. 25

Academic Convocation: Student Life Center, 4 p.m. Dinner will follow immediately after the ceremony in Lusk Field House.

Monday, Aug. 26

Fall Semester Classes Begin

Monday, Sept. 2

Labor Day: No classes; offices are closed

This is the last issue of the Summer Session. The next issue of The Bulletin will be published on Tuesday, Aug. 27.

Fall 2019 Bulletin Publication Dates

Bulletin #1  Tuesday, Aug. 27

Bulletin #2  Tuesday, Sept. 10

Bulletin #3  Tuesday, Sept. 24

Bulletin #4  Tuesday, Oct. 8

Bulletin #5  Tuesday, Oct. 22

Bulletin #6  Tuesday, Nov. 5

Bulletin #7  Tuesday, Nov. 19

Bulletin #8  Tuesday, Dec. 3 

College explores potential neurological therapy: Musical shoes

Senior Emma Madonna is pursuing this as an undergraduate research summer fellow. read more

SUNY Cortland hosts South Korean sport industry students

Hanyang University students listed to faculty lectures and visited iconic sites around the state. read more

Capture the Moment


Seated to the left, Malvina “Malvie” Cook Hunt ’38, who is 104 years young, celebrates the birthday of her friend Bonnie Yates Buckner ’41, who turned 99 during Alumni Reunion 2019. Malvie, a retired teacher, has received the “Most Mature” attendee recognition during recent Alumni Reunions. Bonnie, a retired teacher and guidance counselor, is also a member of the C-Club Hall of Fame. In addition to Alumni Reunion 2019, SUNY Cortland celebrated the conclusion its Sesquicentennial year last weekend, celebrating 150 years of excellence.

In Other News

Former Cortland national champion named Women’s Gymnastics Head Coach

Alumni celebrate at Reunion 2019

Alumni employees gaining visibility

On the air with William Dickerson ’69

Cortland in the news

CALS Lecture Grant Applications Due Sept. 5

Suggest a feature story

Faculty/Staff Activities

Dakin Burdick presented at two conferences and was interviewed for a teaching podcast. read more

Kathleen A. Lawrence had her poem, "Any Boy," accepted for publication by Green Linden Press. read more

Joshua Peluso, Chris Cubells, Eli Simon and Matt Mccarthy presented at the SUNY Technology Conference in June. read more

Lauren Stern and Maaike Oldemans and Szilvia Kadas were presenters at SUNYLA 2019 in June. read more

Submit your faculty/staff activity

The Bulletin is produced by the Communications Office at SUNY Cortland and is published every other Tuesday during the academic year. Read more about The Bulletin. To submit items, email your information to

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