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Minutes10March 2_2010

  March 2, 2010
The tenth meeting of the Faculty Senate 2009-2010 was called to order by Chair Kathleen Lawrence on Tuesday, March 2, 2010 at 1:15 PM in the Hall of Fame Room, Park Center.
D. Videto, D. Driscoll, W. Miller, D. Berger, R. Kendrick, M. McGuire,
R. Grantham, S. Wilson, J. Kim, R. Borden, L. Klotz, D. Harrington,
E. McCabe, T. Slack, J. Walkuski, M. Ware, P. Schroeder, G. Magnanti,
J. Campanaro, E. Bitterbaum, M. Prus, G. Sharer, J. Hendrick, R. Spitzer,
G. Clarke, S. Anderson, T. Phillips
SENATORS AND MEMBERS ABSENT:  D. Miller (sabbatical), J. Reese,
S. Rayl, O. White, B. Buxton, K. Hempson, K. Pristash, B. Schecter,
A. Batchelder, R. Franco, W. Shaut, R. Collings,
GUESTS PRESENT:  J. Dangler, K. Alwes, P. Koryzno
I  APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES:  There was a motion for approval of the minutes from February 16, 2010. (Approved)
The Senate approved a motion to endorse “SUNY Cortland 2010-2020 Campus Priorities” from the Strategic Planning Steering Committee” (Approved)

The Senate approved a motion from D. Berger to have A. Berg, Associate Provost for Information Resources, attend an upcoming Faculty Senate meeting to discuss recent network problems (Approved)

The Chair opened the meeting by reporting on a recent letter to Governor Patterson from Dennis Showers, Chair of the Faculty, SUNY Geneseo. The Chairs at other campuses were encouraged to write similar letters to the Governor regarding impacts of budgets cuts.

IV. VICE CHAIR:  D. Miller – No report (absent – sabbatical)
V. TREASURER’S REPORT – D. Videto – The Treasurer reported that the Faculty Senate Memorial Scholarship has been paid, with a balance remaining of $941.00 in the Faculty Senate Memorial Scholarship account.

VI SECRETARY’S REPORT: - T. Vigars – No report.

VII.  PRESIDENT’S REPORT:   The President and Provost gave a brief report.
Student Affairs Committee  - T. Phillips – No report.

Academic Faculty Affairs Committee – R. Collings – No report (absent)
Long-Range Planning Committee – No report (absent)
Educational Policy Committee –  R. Spitzer gave a brief report {SEE Appendix 1) 
Professional Affairs Committee – G. Clarke, Chair - The Chair reported that his committee has invited J. Dangler, Cortland Chapter UUP President, to meet with them next week to discuss promotional opportunities and career ladders for professionals on campus.

Committee on Committees -  J. Barry, Chair – No report.
College Research Committee – P. Ducey – No report.

General Education Committee – J. Hendrick, Chair – No report (absent)

X. AREA SENATOR’S REPORTS: D. Berger moved that A. Berg, Vice Provost for Information Resources, attend an upcoming Faculty Senate meeting to discuss recent network problems. {SEE Senate Actions}

J. Danger, President, Cortland UUP Chapter President gave a presentation regarding the budget impact at SUNY Cortland.

K. Alwes reported briefly on the parking situation at SUNY Cortland.


XII. STUDENT SENATOR’S REPORTS: The students gave a brief report.
XIII. OLD BUSINESS: There was no Old Business.

XIV. NEW BUSINESS: There was no New Business.

The following reports are appended to the minutes in the order they are submitted:

Respectfully Submitted:
Barbara Kissel

Recording Secretary


Educational Policy Committee Report
Submitted by R. Spitzer, Chair
March 2, 2010

At its February 19, 2010 meeting, the Educational Policy Committee discussed the resolution referred to it by the Senate regarding the lowering of the total credit hours for graduation by 4 credit hours. The EPC noted that the current college catalog has stated this since roughly 2004: "The bachelor’s degree requires a minimum of 120 credit hours for all majors." Thus, no policy change would be necessary in order for departments and programs to require only 120 hours for graduation if, for example, they currently require 124. The only obstacle would be the assurance that all other graduation requirements could also be met, including fulfillment of general education requirements, major requirements, liberal arts requirements, free elective credit requirements, and any other requirements imposed by agencies that provide external accreditation. Such determinations would need to be made by individual departments effected through the normal curriculum process.

There was also general agreement that such a reduction by departments, if feasible, would be beneficial, and we would encourage departments to proceed in such a reduction. We would encourage the Provost to issue a statement to all departments/department chairs to draw this matter to their attention and to encourage them to explore this option.