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Academic Convocation this Sunday at 4 p.m.

Academic Convocation this Sunday at 4 p.m.


Dear faculty and staff,

Academic Convocation marks the start of the new academic year and helps welcome our newest students to SUNY Cortland.

This year’s event will be held at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 28 in the Student Life Center. I hope you will be able to participate and welcome our newest students to campus in this important tradition.

The event will include remarks from Faculty Senate Chair Dr. Genevieve Birren, faculty speaker Assistant Professor Dr. Avanti Mukherjee and Student Government Association President Anneka Bowler. Following this 45-minute ceremony, we will move to Alumni Arena where students will have dinner with faculty and staff in groups organized by academic department.

The first few days of a new semester can be a challenging time for incoming students who are adapting to new roommates, college classes and potentially being away from home for the first time. Your welcoming presence at Academic Convocation makes a significant difference in the lives of our new students.



All the best,


Erik J. Bitterbaum
