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Cortland community update on safety measures

Cortland community update on safety measures


The following message was sent to members of the Cortland community by President Erik J. Bitterbaum and Mayor Brian Tobin:

To members of the Cortland community,

As a new semester begins at SUNY Cortland, we wanted to reach out ꟷ as president of the university and mayor of the city of Cortland ꟷ to reassure you that we are working together to keep our community safe during the ongoing pandemic.

A committee of SUNY Cortland and community representatives has been meeting regularly to discuss issues and share information. We have cooperated on numerous initiatives and collaborated on enforcement and testing. The university’s commitment to aggressive testing for COVID-19 will allow SUNY Cortland to quickly respond to outbreaks with quarantine and isolation measures.

Consider these changes from last fall:

  • SUNY Cortland asked all returning students to submit a negative COVID-19 test or proof of a completed isolation period before coming to campus.
  • All returning students were tested upon arrival to campus.
  • All students, faculty and staff are required to participate in weekly surveillance testing during the spring semester.

When battling a pandemic, facts are more effective than fear. As we move forward together, we will provide regular updates to our community.

Please stay safe, and remain engaged.


Brian Tobin                                                                                Erik Bitterbaum

Mayor, City of Cortland                                                           President, SUNY Cortland