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President highlights importance of COVID-19 testing

President highlights importance of COVID-19 testing


Dear Cortland students,

Your efforts to pursue your studies during a pandemic have been nothing short of heroic. Thank you for the sacrifices you have made.

I have a new and significant favor to ask of you. SUNY Cortland’s optional departure plan was developed with safety in mind. Given some of the questions that offices have received in the past two days, I want you to know that safety must come first.

Please remember that you need to be tested for COVID-19 before departing Cortland. The university’s official checkout process requires a negative COVID-19 test result — a requirement that exists to keep you, your loved ones and your hometowns safe. SUNY Cortland has testing resources available, and the university needs to do its part to help ensure that you are not bringing COVID-19 home with you.


  • You can schedule testing on campus or submit off-campus results through the departure planning page
  • You must receive a negative COVID-19 test result before you will be allowed to schedule a checkout date from your residence hall. 
  • You should plan accordingly. Your test must be taken no more than five days before your intended departure date and you must leave within 48 hours of being cleared. 
  • If you test positive for COVID-19, you will be required to follow the established protocol for quarantine and isolation, which may affect your intended departure.

The importance of testing cannot be overstated, both for safety purposes and the need to help facilitate your checkout process. I want you to travel home at your convenience, but more importantly, I want you to be healthy for the holiday season. 

All the best, 

Erik J. Bitterbaum 
