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President's message on 2021 academic calendar

President's message on 2021 academic calendar


Dear Cortland students,

As you prepare to finish this semester, I want to help you plan ahead for coursework purposes. Today’s email highlights the revised academic calendar for Spring 2021, which follows recent guidance from SUNY System Administration.

You can view the revised academic calendar online. Important dates and deadlines have changed, especially early in the semester.

Some key takeaways: 

  • Semester start date is Feb. 1: Both in-person and online classes will now begin on Monday, Feb. 1, one week later than originally scheduled.
  • Spring break will not take place: The planned break in classes from March 15 to 19 has been canceled in an effort to reduce travel outside of Cortland and the potential spread of COVID-19. All SUNY institutions have adopted this change. 
  • End-of-semester schedule stays the same: Starting in late March, most of the original dates and deadlines associated with the Spring 2021 semester will remain in place. Classes will end on Friday, May 7 and the final exam period will span Monday, May 10, to Friday, May 14.

Although these early semester changes will require some adjustment, they are necessary for health and safety reasons. Please know that the university is working hard to finalize plans for the spring, including move-in and required testing upon arrival. I will keep you informed on important updates and resume my regular weekly emails on Thursdays starting Dec. 3.

Thanksgiving celebrations may be different this year, but I hope that you are able to relax and recharge over the next week. I remain eternally grateful for your perseverance during these challenging times, and I hope this Thanksgiving brings health and happiness to you and your loved ones.

All the best, 

Erik J. Bitterbaum 
