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President's message regarding impact of COVID-19

President's message regarding impact of COVID-19


The following message was sent on behalf of President Erik Bitterbaum

To the campus community,

I am writing to update you on actions we are taking to protect the SUNY Cortland community and help manage the spread of novel coronavirus COVID-19. In response to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s recent announcement related to distance learning, and in consultation with SUNY administration, public health officials, members of the college’s leadership team and our COVID-19 task force, please be aware of the following:

    • Classes for the remainder of the week will be held as planned. Instruction is suspended for all faculty and students from March 23 through March 30.
      • Faculty and staff will spend that week finalizing how our distance learning programs will be delivered.
      • Faculty and students already involved in distance learning courses will continue uninterrupted.
    • Starting March 30, instruction will be delivered to students through distance learning until at least April 13.
    • Distance learning could include a variety of different methods. Details on how individual remote classes may work are in a memo sent to faculty and posted on SUNY Cortland’s COVID-19 page.  
    • Students should regularly check their SUNY Cortland email. Each instructor will be communicating with students regarding details about the remote continuation of their coursework. 
    • The campus is not closing. Residence halls, Neubig Dining and other campus facilities and buildings will remain open, although with limited or reduced services. 
    • Students who can demonstrate that it would be a hardship or potentially unhealthy to return home will not be forced to leave.
      • These students must communicate their plans with to Residence Life. A form is available through myRedDragon.
      • Students working on campus will receive information regarding their campus employment.
    • Resident students wishing to return to campus housing assignments during the distance learning period will need to complete a notification form. Additional information will come in a separate communication from Residence Life and Housing.
    • All spring athletics are suspended until at least March 22.
      • This does not affect winter sports now in postseason competition.
      • For updated information regarding athletic events, visit
    • With limited exceptions, campus activities and events are cancelled until at least April 13.
    • All events hosted by non-SUNY Cortland groups are cancelled until at least May 18.
    • When activities resume, events may be subject to restrictions regarding attendance. 
    • Faculty and staff are expected to report to work as normal.
      • Administrators may approve limited employee remote work assignments.
      • Staff with health concerns may request a remote work assignment.
    • The Open House scheduled for April 4 is postponed. A new date will be announced.
    • A decision on Commencement has not yet been made. We will announce it as soon as possible.
    • Issues related to the financial implications of COVID-19 to students and families are still being worked out with SUNY administration as part of the university’s overall plan. We will provide information as soon as it is available.

For more information and updates, continue to regularly visit SUNY Cortland’s COVID-19 webpage.

There are currently no confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19 on campus. We appreciate your cooperation as we work through this as a community. The health and safety of our students, faculty and staff is SUNY Cortland’s top priority.

All the best,

Erik J. Bitterbaum, President