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President's message to off-campus students

President's message to off-campus students


Dear Cortland students,

I want to reach out today specifically to our off-campus students. 

Many of you are planning to remain in Cortland for the next two weeks. Please do not put your academic career at risk by engaging in risky behavior during the pandemic. A number of students are facing suspension or dismissal from the university because of their actions during the Halloween weekend. Make smart choices.

If you do choose to stay for the time being, please know that many campus resources remain available to you. 

Despite classes remaining online for the remainder of the semester, campus is not closing. Please continue to reach out to your professors and academic advisors and ask for help if you need it.

Also know that the university’s optional departure plan applies to off-campus students. You may learn more about the details and request a COVID-19 test online

SUNY Cortland has developed this optional departure plan for the safety of you and your loved ones. I understand you may feel the process is inconvenient, but your participation will help prevent the virus from spreading further as you head home for Thanksgiving.  

The forecast for this weekend looks promising. Many of you will want to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather. Please do! But remember to wear face coverings, practice physical distancing and avoid large gatherings. We must be good stewards of place to our neighbors in the Cortland community. 

Thank you for all that you have done this semester. Let’s all work together to finish strong this fall. 

All the best, 

Erik J. Bitterbaum 
