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Spring ‘Wellness’ Series Begins Jan. 30

Spring ‘Wellness’ Series Begins Jan. 30


In keeping with a College priority of well-being, each semester SUNY Cortland offers weekly encouragement to the campus and community to pursue a lifetime of good health.

The Spring 2019 “Wellness Wednesday Series” will feature events intended to motivate campus and community members to learn more about health and wellness.

Programs continue through the spring semester with topics including yoga, preventing relationship violence, having a safe spring break, eating healthy, mental health awareness, spirituality and religion and supporting survivors of sexual assault.

Primarily sponsored by Health Promotion and the Student Development Center, the series is free and open to the public.

A poster listing all the Spring 2019 events can be found at Wellness Wednesday Series — Spring 2019 and on the Campus Life page of myRedDragon.

Events include:

  • “Detox Power Yoga” will be open to the first 40 participants who show up on Jan. 30 for the 6 p.m. class in the Student Life Center Mind Body Room. Samantha Cascardo, trained in YogaFit Levels 1 and 2, will guide participants through a variety of twisting movements along with muscularly challenging poses. This meditation class will increase body temperature and bring awareness to the mind, body and soul through exotic music selections, breathing techniques and mindful messages. Mats and all other required accessories are supplied.

  • On Feb. 6, an interactive “Careers in Health” discussion will feature a panel of alumni employed in health-related fields. Part of the Alumni Speaker Series, this informative gathering will answer questions about becoming a medical doctor, a physical therapist, a physician assistant, a medical biotechnologist or other health-related professional.
  • On Feb. 13, AnnaMaria Cirrincione and Lima Stafford, director and assistant director of the Multicultural Life and Diversity Office, will present Breaking the Stigma.” Learn about inclusive language and gain a further understanding of existing stereotypes surrounding disability. 
  • “Inside Out: An Experience with Eating Disorders and Mental Health” will be presented by professional mental health speaker Colleen Coffey on Feb. 20. Coffee will discuss her personal experience as someone diagnosed with anxiety, depression, disordered eating and obsessive/compulsive disorder at a young age, and how she found proper treatment and healthy coping skills. Read more about Colleen Coffey.     
  • On Feb. 27 join the SUNY Cortland Cupboard board of directors for dinner and to learn about the campus food pantry. Dinner will be held at 7 p.m. at the Interfaith Center at 7 Calvert St. 
  • What’s Your Green Dot? Find out what they are and why they are important when Green Dot Trainer Alberto Lorenzo speaks on March 6
  • On March 13, a Safe Spring Break Fair, complete with valuable information and free items, will be held from noon to 3 p.m. in the Student Life Center lobby.                                                                              
  • On March 27, Auxiliary Services Corporation Nutritionist Andrea Hart and health promotion interns will be in the Student Life Center lobby from noon to 3 p.m. to offer “Food For Thought,” suggestions on how small changes can make a difference in your diet. 
  • On April 3, Health Educator Lauren Scagnelli ’12 M.S.T. ’14, CHES, will answer “Who is Jane Doe?” Beginning at 6 p.m. in Corey Union Exhibition Lounge, participants will learn about human sex trafficking and who this can impact based on the documentary “I am Jane Doe.” 
  • On April 10, Campus Minister Rachel Ditch and a panel of students will share in a discussion titled “Spirituality, Religion and You” at 6 p.m. in Corey Union Exhibition Lounge. 
  • Join an interactive approach to debunking the facts and myths of cannabis and cannabis use on April 17 when Marissa Whitaker, substance abuse and prevention education associate, presents “Cannabis: Fact/Myth” at 6 p.m. in Corey Union Exhibition Lounge. 
  • On April 24, “Grow Your Own Vegetable Plant” will inspire visitors to grow their own vegetables. Participants are encouraged to take a plant with them when they visit the Health Promotion table between noon and 3 p.m. in the Student Life Center lobby.