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SUNY Cortland distance learning plan

SUNY Cortland distance learning plan


Below is the distance learning plan for SUNY Cortland that was approved by SUNY administration:

Distance Learning Plan for Campus

In our continued effort to monitor the COVID-19 situation and safeguard the health and well-being of our entire community, SUNY Cortland is enacting a distance learning strategy for all courses. The campus will remain open throughout this period. We will continue to monitor the situation carefully and may make additional changes as necessary to support both the health of our community and the academic progress of our students. Additional information is available from the Human Resources Office.

Following spring break, students will not return for classes on campus until April 13, 2020 at the earliest. 


  • March 13: Students leave campus for Spring Break with planned return for April 13 at the earliest. Students requiring campus housing during Spring Break must submit a Late Stay Request Form through myRedDragon by noon on this day.
  • March 23 to 27: Instruction is suspended for all faculty and students to plan and prepare for distance learning. (Those faculty already teaching courses through distance learning will continue uninterrupted). Residence halls will remain open during the period of distance learning following spring break. We understand that for some students, going home or staying at a location away from campus subsequent to spring break is neither possible nor desirable. Any students wishing to remain on campus during the period of distance learning should contact the Residence Life and Housing Office. The deadline for this notification is Friday, March 20 at 12:00.
  • March 30 to April 10: All class instruction resumes via distance learning. During this time, as well as the previous week, faculty are not excused from coming to campus to work.
  • April 11: Students may return to campus housing.
  • April 13: All classes resume on campus at the earliest.

Final Exam Week

Final exam week, May 11-15, will be converted to an additional week of instruction and faculty who traditionally give final exams will be able to offer exams during their instructional time that week.

Planning Week

During the week of March 23-27, no classes will be held. As an alternative obligation, faculty will prepare to deliver classes through distance learning for a minimum of two weeks and potentially longer.  This is a change in obligation for that week but not an increase in workload. Resources will be made available to help faculty with various forms of distance learning with more details forthcoming.

All expectations for student work that week will default to the course syllabus and instructors will be in contact regarding any changes.

Advisement and Registration

Registration dates have been moved back one week to provide students and faculty with additional time for the adjustment to distance education. Registration will now begin on April 6, 2020 and all systems are available online.

Advisement for registration can also be conducted in distance format including phone calls, emails, etc.


  • Students with limited access to technology away from campus may contact their Associate Dean for assistance and suggestions for alternatives.
  • Campus Housing Information is available from the Residence Life and Housing Office and includes:
    • How to complete the late stay request form and stay on campus:
      1. Log into myRedDragon
      2. Go to the student tab
      3. Scroll down to the Residence Life and Housing section
      4. Select the Housing Process and Information link
      5. Go to forms; select the appropriate form