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SUNY Cortland’s first TEDx event set for May 4

SUNY Cortland’s first TEDx event set for May 4


The first-ever TEDx SUNY Cortland event will be held Thursday, May 4 in Old Main Brown Auditorium, featuring 10 speakers from across the United States, including three SUNY Cortland faculty members.

The presenters will share ideas related to “Freedom Dreaming” envisioning a better world and exploring pathways to get there. The event begins at 7 p.m. and is free and open to the public. Attendance, however, will be limited to 300 people, so no-cost virtual tickets are required. Those tickets are available online.

TEDx is the localized version of the globally focused TED conferences featuring talks that explore big ideas about science, culture, tech, education and creativity. The final roster of 10 speakers were among 122 applications received by organizers of Cortland’s event. They were selected by a committee of 18 SUNY Cortland faculty and staff using a consistent scoring guide.

Presentations for TEDx SUNY Cortland 2023 are:

  • Marcus Bell, assistant sociology professor, SUNY Cortland
    • All Black Lives Matter: Exploring My Own Double Consciousness: All Black lives matter. Those taken by the state, as well as those taken by other Blacks. If we are to dream of a more just and equitable future, we must be conscious of — and honest about — both.
  • Renee Heitmann, lecturer in SUNY Cortland’s Performing Arts Department
    • How Kindness Can Change Your Life: Nine years ago, a seemingly simple act of kindness changed her life completely. Sharing a gift with a neighbor set her on a course of self-discovery and deeper understanding of her world.
  • Shena Driscoll Salvato, lecturer in SUNY Cortland Modern Languages Department
    • Embracing the Freedom to FLIT: Follow Leads Intuitively Trusting: discovering ideas waiting to come through us. How I FLIT in the worlds of academia and entrepreneurship and thrive in the exhilaration of creation.
  • Otto Janke D.C., owner, Janke Family Chiropractic in Cortland
    • The freedom of independence in longevity: How to take the steps needed to be independent in our next decades, to make them our best decades.
  • Aasha Ealy, defense attorney, advocate for the incarcerated
    • From Cancelled to Connected: How to overcome the epidemic of loneliness and the collateral consequences if the criminal justice system through being a good Samaritan.
  • Natasha Ickes-Saman, hair salon owner, entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker
    • Why the  way we have been approaching motivation is all wrong: Discover the transformative power of personal motivation: practical strategies for unlocking your full potential, overcoming obstacles, achieving success and feeling empowered to take on any challenge.
  • Sarah Pospos, M.D., perinatal and sports psychiatrist
    • Good is the enemy of great, but so is “best”: Perfection doesn’t exist and the sooner we realize this, the sooner we can get on the road to fulfillment.
  • Lee Bonvissuto, speaker, facilitator, advocate
    • Why are so many voices not being heard at work?: Oppressive work cultures are silencing voices and making it hard for people to be heard at work. This talk offers a roadmap to help the unheard speak up and for those in positions of privilege to hear what they have to say.
  • “Relentless” Royal Tanis, author, mentor, motivational speaker
    • Tag, you’re i! The message for humanity: The message is a blueprint for humankind to heal uniquely and comprehensively by using the concept of a children's game. It will demonstrate what is possible when leaders are healed from the pain of their past.
  • Todd Kane, speaker, author, hair stylist
    • Finding our integrity in difficult conversations: By acknowledging the feelings expressed through our bodies when triggered, we become aware of our truth, gaining perspective, a sense of peace, and confidence to move beyond our fears and limiting beliefs to healthier, more connected lives.

Additional speaker information is available online.