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Advisor/Advisee Responsibilities

Advisor/Advisee Responsibilities

Responsibilities of the Student

  1. To assume progressively the leadership role in academic program planning and to   recognize that the advisor's role is one of mentor and facilitator.
  2. To recognize that the student is ultimately responsible for completing a regular review of degree audit, meeting academic deadlines, developing a workable schedule and fulfilling financial obligations.
  3. To understand and comply with College policies.
  4. To commit a reasonable amount of time, both independently and in meetings with an academic advisor, to plan and implement one's own academic program.
  5. To be familiar with the department advisement manual (where available), the College catalog and other College/department advisement materials.
  6. To schedule and attend meetings with the advisor prepared with necessary registration materials, suggestions for courses to be completed and a plan for meeting graduation requirements, as well as questions to clarify prospective problems.
  7. To seek out the advisor or department chair, in a timely manner, for assistance in negotiating difficulties or changes in academic program plans.
  8. To identify alternatives and assess the consequences of decisions made during one's college career. 

Responsibilities of the Advisor

  1. To work with each student advisee to achieve an academic program consistent with the student's preparation, interest and plans for the future.
  2. To help students become familiar with college and departmental requirements as reflected in the College Catalog and degree audit.
  3. To help students recognize their academic strengths and weaknesses, establish realistic education goals and identify the courses necessary to achieve these goals.
  4. To be sensitive to the varied needs of students as they develop academically and personally at Cortland and refer to campus resources as appropriate (e.g., The Learning Center, Advisement and Transition, Associate Deans, Career Services, Counseling Center).
  5. To be available during regularly scheduled office hours or by appointment to meet with students for academic advisement.
  6. To schedule sufficient time in the office for academic advising during critical periods such as registration and drop/add.
  7. To appreciate and advocate for diversity, equity and social justice as indicated in our campus priorities.