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Making the Most of Advising

Making the Most of Advising

Advising is a system of support to help you find information, plan, and make decisions. The advising relationship depends upon active participation from the student and the advisor. Just like any relationship, it takes respect, participation, and time to make the most of it!

  • What does an advisor help with?
    • Major and minor choice
    • Registration
    • Schedule Adjustments such as drop/add or withdraw
    • Requirements for your major and for your degree
    • Summer coursework
    • Learning opportunities: internships, study abroad
    • Career choices and Graduate school
    • Referral to campus resources

  • Don't forget, you can use your advising meeting to help with...
    • Problem-solving
    • Discussing academic success
    • Helping you understand other faculty and make the most of your courses

  • Who is your advisor?
    • Advisors are most often faculty in the department of your major. If you are a Pre-major student, you may have a faculty member or an advisor from Advisement and Transition.
    • To find your advisor...
      • Look on myRedDragon
      • Contact Your Academic Department
      • Contact Advisement and Transition (753-4726)

  • How can you make the most of your advising experience?
    • Take responsibility, keep track of important dates, and always keep records and paperwork regarding your decisions and plans.
      • Communicate
      • Email, stop by, call; figure out when they are there and how to set up an appointment
      • Take the Initiative
    • Take the initiative to contact and meet with your advisor. Don't wait!
    • Be Prepared
      • What does being prepared mean?
        • You've taken the time to read through course requirements
        • You've already done a mock schedule
        • You have questions ready/written out
        • You keep your mind open
      • What are some materials that help you prepare?
        • College Catalog
        • If you have declared a major, any information from your department
        • Spring or Fall Schedule of Classes
        • Materials from Orientation
        • Additional materials from campus offices such as the Registrar or Advisement and Transition

  • What are other sources of information on campus?
    • Your advisor is just one source of information and support. You should be tapping into other campus resources to get organized and make decisions. Think critically about information you collect!
      • The Registrar's Office
      • Your department
      • RAs and other student leaders
      • COR instructor and Student Facilitator
      • Course instructors
      • Campus offices such as advisement, career services, counseling,
      • Remember, you are a great resource (no one knows you better).

  • Getting ready for registration
    • Read the course schedule
    • Know your degree requirements and major requirements
    • Set priorities (e.g., get those requirements done!)
    • Do a mock schedule
    • Review schedule builder and develop schedule plans
    • Understand full time status issues
    • Review the procedure for registering
    • Understanding drop/add
    • Use all your resources (advisor, catalog, department information) to get ready!