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Delhi State University of New York

State University of New York College at Cortland

Credit Equivalencies - Delhi State University of New York


NOTE:  Please refer to the current Cortland course catalog for information regarding major requirements. 

1XX, 2XX, 3XX or XXX – Cortland does not have an equivalent, but student will receive elective credit.

Courses with no Cortland equivalent are not yet evaluated.  Contact Advisement and Transition for individual review.

Delhi CR HR Course Title (Delhi) SUNY Cortland

Accounting (ACCT)

ACCT 115 3 Financial Accounting MGT 254
ACCT 125 3 Managerial Accounting MGT 255
ACCT 150 3 Accounting for Small Business MGT 1XX
ACCT 210 3 Intermediate Accounting I MGT 2XX
ACCT 220 3 Intermediate Accounting II MGT 2XX
ACCT 230 3 Principles of Cost Accounting I MGT 2XX
ACCT 240 3 Principles of Cost Accounting II MGT 2XX
ACCT 245 3 Computer Applications in Accounting CAP 2XX
ACCT 250 3 Federal Income Tax GEN 2XX
ACCT 270 3 Government and Nonprofit Accounting MGT 2XX
ACCT 310 3 Accounting Information Systems MGT 3XX
ACCT 350 3 Federal Income Tax GEN 3XX
ACCT 400 3 Auditing Class MGT 4XX
ACCT 410 3 Information Systems Audit and Control MGT 4XX

Allied Health (ALHT) 

Courses accepted as elective credit. 

Anthropology (ANTH)

ANTH 100 3 Cultural Anthropology ANT 102
ANTH 110 3 Physical Anthropology ANT 104
ANTH 290 1-4 Individual Study in Anthropology ANT 2XX
ANTH 300 3 Survey of World Cultures ANT 201

Architectural Engineering Construction Technology (AECT) 

Courses accepted as elective credit.

Architectural Technology (ARCH)   

Courses accepted as elective credit. 

Art (ARTS)

ARTS 103 3 History of American Popular Music MUS 137
ARTS 104 3 Ceramics I ATS 104
ARTS 110 3 History of Rock Music MUS 1XX
ARTS 112 3 Music in Black and White MUS 1XX
ARTS 115 3 Freehand Drawing ATS 101
ARTS 290 1-4 Independent Study in Fine Arts ATS 2XX

Automotive Technology/Mechanics (AUTO)

Courses accepted as elective credit. 

Biology (BIOL)

BIOL 105 3 Wildlife of North America SCI 1XX
BIOL 110 3 Environmental Issues and Sustainability EST 100
BIOL 115 3 Animal Behavior BIO 409
BIOL 120 3 Human Genetics BIO 306
BIOL 125 3 Nutritional Microbiology SCI 1XX
BIOL 130 4 General Biology I BIO 110 or BIO 201
BIOL 135 4 General Biology II BIO 111/113 or BIO 202
BIOL 140  4 Field Biology BIO 310
BIOL 155 4 Botany BIO 201
BIOL 215 4 Zoology BIO 202
BIOL 218 4 Animal Anatomy and Physiology BIO 3XX
BIOL 220 4 Human Anatomy and Physiology I BIO 301
BIOL 225 4 Human Anatomy and Physiology II BIO 302
BIOL 230 4 General Microbiology BIO 304
BIOL 290 1-4 Independent Study in Biological Science BIO 2XX

Business (BUSI)

BUSI 100 3 Introduction to Business LAS 1XX
BUSI 105 1 Orientation to Business GEN 1XX
BUSI 110 3 Mathematics of Finance LAS 1XX
BUSI 120 3 Business Communications PWR 393
BUSI 200 3 Management I MGT 250
BUSI 205 3 Small Business Management LAS 2XX
BUSI 210 3 Business Law I MGT 265
BUSI 215 3 Business Law II MGT 2XX
BUSI 220 3 Principles of Finance ECO 352
BUSI 225 3 Production Management MGT 2XX
BUSI 227 3 Ski Area Management GEN 2XX
BUSI 230 3 Human Behavior in Organization MGT 2XX
BUSI 235 3 Labor-Management Relations MGT 2XX
BUSI 237 3 Human Resources Management MGT 385
BUSI 430 3 Supply Chain and Operations Management MGT 410
BUSI 240 3 Basic Supervision MGT 2XX
BUSI 245 3 Principles of Marketing MGT 253
BUSI 250 3 Salesmanship GEN 2XX
BUSI 255 3 Advertising COM 421
BUSI 260 3 Retailing GEN 2XX
BUSI 262 3 International Marketing MGT 2XX
BUSI 263 3 Entrepreneurship MGT 175
BUSI 265 3 Management Seminar MGT 2XX
BUSI 270 3 Professional Internship Program CPV 400
BUSI 290 1-6 Independent Study in Business MGT 2XX
BUSI 310 3 Strategic Management MGT 454
BUSI 343 3 Individual Behavior in Organization MGT 3XX
BUSI 344 3 Organizational Theory MGT 3XX
BUSI 345 3 Risk Management  MGT 3XX
BUSI 360 3 International Business MGT 3XX
BUSI 370 3 Financial Management ECO 352

Carpentry and Building Trades (CARP)

Courses accepted as elective credit. 

Chemistry (CHEM)

CHEM 120 4 Introductory Chemistry I CHE 121
CHEM 125 4 Introductory Chemistry II CHE 122
CHEM 180 4 General Chemistry I CHE 227/277
CHEM 185 4 General Chemistry II CHE 228/278
CHEM 230 4 Organic Chemistry I CHE 301 or CHE 300/303
CHEM 235 4 Organic Chemistry II CHE 302/304
CHEM 290 1-4 Independent Study in Chemistry CHE 2XX

Computer Information Technology (CITA)

CITA 100 1 Introduction to Windows CAP 1XX
CITA 101 1 Introduction to the Internet CAP 1XX
CITA 105 1 Keyboarding GEN 1XX
CITA 110 3 Microcomputer Applications I CAP 100
CITA 120 3 Computer Concepts and Operation Systems CAP 1XX
CITA 130 3 Introduction to Database Systems CAP 350
CITA 140 3 Introduction to Programming MCS 186
CITA 150 3 Introduction to Information Technology CAP 104
CITA 200 3 Data Communications and Networking CAP 220
CITA 210 3 Visual Programming Development Tools CAP 204
CITA 220 3 Systems Analysis Methods CAP 2XX
CITA 230 3 Network Technology CAP 220
CITA 240 3 Introduction to Programming II CAP 216
CITA 265 3 Multimedia Publishing and Design CAP 2XX
CITA 300 3 Computer System Support and Maintenance CAP 3XX
CITA 310 3 Web Server Administration CAP 3XX
CITA 320 3 Network Administration CAP 3XX
CITA 330 3 Web Publishing CAP 351
CITA 340 3 Database Concepts CAP 350
CITA 350 3 Object Oriented Systems CAP 3XX
CITA 360 3 Advanced Software Applications CAP 3XX
CITA 370 3 Network Design Concepts CAP 3XX
CITA 380 3 Dynamic Graphics and Animation CAP 3XX
CITA 405 3 Project Management GEN 3XX
CITA 410 3 Multi-Media Computing CAP 4XX
CITA 420 3 Programming for the Web CAP 4XX
CITA 430 3 Computer Integration and Interoperability CAP 4XX
CITA 440 3 Design and Manage Organizational Training CAP 4XX
CITA 450 3 Applied Database Management CAP 4XX
CITA 460 3 Organization and End User Information Systems GEN 4XX
CITA 475 3 Management of Information Technology GEN 4XX
CITA 480 15 Internship in Information Technology CPV 400
CITA 485 3 Enterprise Technologies GEN 4XX

Computer Science (CSCI)

CSCI 110 3 Computer Science I MCS 186

Communications (COMM)

COMM 100 3 Public Speaking COM 210
COMM 120 3 Audio and Video Production I COM 1XX
COMM 290 1-4 Independent Study in Communications COM 2XX
COMM 300 3 Organizational Communication COM 320
COMM 310 3 Argumentation and Debate COM 3XX

Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CADD)

Courses accepted as elective credit. 

Construction Technology (CNST) 

Courses accepted as elective credit. 

Criminal Justice (CJUS)   

CJUS 100 3 Introduction to Criminal Justice CRM 303
CJUS 310 3 Research Methods of Criminal Justice CRM 3XX
CJUS 320 3 History of Law Enforcement CRM 3XX
CJUS 330 3 Treatment of Offenders CRM 3XX
CJUS 340 3 Criminal Courts and Justice CRM 202
CJUS 348 3 Constitutional Law CRM 403
CJUS 350 3 Comparative Criminal Justice CRM 3XX
CJUS 355 3 Forensics CRM 3XX
CJUS 360 3 Cyber Security Information Technology and  Law Enforcement CRM 3XX
CJUS 365 3 Application of Technology in Criminal Justice CRM 3XX
CJUS 370 3 Substance Abuse and Criminal Justice CRM 3XX
CJUS 375 3 Victimology CRM 3XX
CJUS 380 3-6 Internship in Criminal Justice GEN 3XX
CJUS 410 3 Contemporary Issues Criminal Justice CRM 4XX
CJUS 420 3 Current Issues in Criminal Justice CRM 4XX
CJUS 430 4 Capstone Seminar in Criminal Justice CRM 4XX

Culinary Arts (CULN)   

Courses accepted as elective credit. 

Disney Program (DSNY)    

DSNY 100 3 Disney Communications COM 210
DSNY 120 3 Disney Communications PWR 398
DSNY 200 3 Organizational Leadership MGT 2XX
DSNY 205 3 Hospitality Management MGT 2XX
DSNY 210 3 Human Resources Management MGT 385
DSNY 211 3 Disney Marketing U LAS 2XX
DSNY 212 3 Disney Experiential Learning GEN 2XX


ECON 100 3 Introductory Macroeconomics ECO 110
ECON 110 3 Introductory Microeconomics ECO 111
ECON 210 3 Economics of Sport ECO 366
ECON 290 1-4 Independent Study in Economics ECO 2XX

Education (EDU)

EDUC 100 3 Foundations of Education EDU 270
EDUC 101 1 Practicum in Education GEN 1XX
EDUC 211 3 Integrating Technology: Adolescence EDU 2XX
EDUC 220 3 Diversity and Teaching FSA 103
EDUC 290 1-4 Independent Study in Education EDU 2XX

Electrical Construction and Instrumentation (ECMT)

Courses accepted as elective credit. 

Electronic Instrumentation and Control (EICR)

Courses accepted as elective credit. 

Engineering Science (EGSC)

EGSC 110 2 Computer Methods CAP 1XX
EGSC 115 3 Computer Aided Engineering Drawing LAS 1XX
EGSC 120 1 Engineering Measurements Laboratory I GEN 1XX
EGSC 130 1 Engineering Measurement Laboratory II GEN 1XX
EGSC 210 3 Statics PHY 2XX
EGSC 230 3 Circuit Analysis I PHY 2XX
EGSC 240 3 Circuit Analysis II PHY 2XX
EGSC 250 3 Dynamics PHY 420
EGSC 260 3 Strength of Materials PHY 2XX
EGSC 270 3 Engineering Material Science PHY 2XX

English (ENGL)

ENGL 100 3 Freshman Composition CPN 100
ENGL 120 1 Portfolio Development GEN 1XX
ENGL 200 3 Advanced Composition CPN 101
ENGL 205 3 Creative Writing PWR 2XX
ENGL 210 3 Technical Writing PWR 393
ENGL 290 1-4 Independent Study in Writing PWR 2XX
ENGL 310 3 Technical Writing PWR 393

Geography (GEOG)

GEOG 100 3 Human Geography GRY 125
GEOG 290 3 Independent Study in Geography GRY 2XX

Golf Course Management (PGMB)

Courses accepted as elective credit. 

Government (GOVT)

GOVT 110 3 American Government POL 100
GOVT 120 3 State and Local Government POL 326
GOVT 130 3 World Affairs POL 250
GOVT 140 3 Public Administration POL 240
GOVT 150 3 Civil Liberties POL 404
GOVT 200 3 Law, Courts and Politics POL 202
GOVT 290 1-4 Independent Study in Government POL 2XX
GOVT 300 3 Public Policy POL 341

History (HIST)

HIST 100 3 United States History I HIS 200
HIST 104 3 History of American Technology HIS 1XX
HIST 105 3 United States History II HIS 201
HIST 110 3 History of Latin America HIS 1XX
HIST 120 3 History of the Ancient and Medieval World HIS 100
HIST 125 3 History of Western and World Civilizations I HIS 110
HIST 130 3 History of Western and World Civilizations II HIS 111
HIST 200 3 Race in American History HIS 3XX
HIST 205 3 Russian History 1801-2000 HIS 334
HIST 290 1-4 Independent Study in History HIS 3XX
HIST 300 3 Race in American History HIS 3XX
HIST 305 3 Russian History 1801-2000 HIS 334
HIST 315 3 New York State History HIS 3XX

Honors (HONR)

Courses accepted as elective credit. 

Horticulture (HORT)

Courses accepted as elective credit. 

Hospitality (HOSP)

Courses accepted as elective credit. 

Hotel (HTEL)

Courses accepted as elective credit. 

Humanities (HUMN)

HUMN 100 3 Elementary French I FRE 101
HUMN 101 3 Art Appreciation ATH 1XX
HUMN 102 3 Music Appreciation MUS 100
HUMN 105 3 Elementary French II FRE 102
HUMN 110 3 Intermediate French I FRE 201
HUMN 115 3 Intermediate French II FRE 202
HUMN 120 3 Elementary Spanish I SPA 101
HUMN 125 3 Elementary Spanish II SPA 102
HUMN 137 3 American Sign Language I ASL 101
HUMN 138 3 American Sign Language II ASL 102
HUMN 160 3 Introduction to Mythology ENG 280
HUMN 170 3 Philosophy PHI 100
HUMN 180 3 Ethics PHI 135
HUMN 191 3 Baseball in American Culture LAS 1XX
HUMN 192 3 Radio History LAS 1XX
HUMN 195 3 Theater Arts THT 100
HUMN 200 3 Introduction to Bible LAS 2XX
HUMN 205 3 Introduction to Women’s Studies WST 100
HUMN 210 3 World Religions RLS 200
HUMN 215 3-6 Professional Internship Experience CPV 400
HUMN 220 3 Music Appreciation MUS 100
HUMN 225 3 Nature and Culture LAS 2XX
HUMN 240 3 History Western Architecture ATH 2XX
HUMN 241 3 History of World and Western Architecture I LAS 2XX
HUMN 242 3 History of World and Western Architecture II LAS 2XX
HUMN 290 1-4 Independent Study in Humanities LAS 2XX
HUMN 311 3 Medical Spanish SPA 3XX

Landscape Architectural Technology (LARC)

Courses accepted as elective credit. 

Landscape Contracting (LDCT)

Courses accepted as elective credit. 

Literature (LITR)

LITR 100 3 Introduction to Literature ENG 200
LITR 110 3 Introduction to Fiction ENG 202
LITR 120 3 Introduction to Film ENG 208
LITR 200 3 American Literature I ENG 325
LITR 215 3 American Literature II ENG 326
LITR 220 3 British Literature I ENG 355
LITR 225 3 British Literature II ENG 356
LITR 230 3 Minorities and Women in Literature ENG 251
LITR 240 3 Shakespeare ENG 433
LITR 250 3 Introduction to Poetry ENG 203
LITR 260 3 Introduction to Drama ENG 204
LITR 290 1-4 Independent Study in Literature ENG 2XX
LITR 300 3 Technology in Literature ENG 3XX
LITR 310 3 Great Writers ENG 3XX

Mathematics (MATH)

MATH 102 3 Mathematics for Applied Technology MAT 1XX
MATH 105 3 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I MAT 101
MATH 106 3 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II MAT 102
MATH 110 3 Contemporary Mathematics MAT 105
MATH 115 3 Statistics MAT 201
MATH 120 3 Quantitative Reasoning MAT 1XX
MATH 128 3 College Algebra MAT 111
MATH 135 3 Finite Mathematics MAT 2XX
MATH 138 3 Trigonometry MAT 1XX
MATH 145 3 Discrete Mathematics MAT 2XX
MATH 150 3 Pre-Calculus Mathematics MAT 115
MATH 210 4 Calculus I MAT 135
MATH 215 4 Calculus II MAT 236
MATH 220 4 Calculus III MAT 237
MATH 225 4 Differential Equations MAT 336
MATH 290 1-4  Independent Study in Mathematics MAT 2XX

Masonry (MASN)

Courses accepted as elective credit. 

Nursing (NURS)

Courses accepted as elective credit. 

Office Technology (OFFT)

Courses accepted as elective credit. 

Physical Education BBA Program (PEDC)  

PEDC 187 1 Track and Field PED 187
PEDC 275 3 Recreation for Persons with Disabilities REC 2XX
PEDC 284 1 Self-Defense and Martial Arts PED 384
PEDC 288 1 Rhythms and Dance PED 388

Health and Physical Education (PEDH)

PEDH 105 1 Beginning Swimming PED 189
PEDH 106 1 Varsity Men's Basketball PED 1XX
PEDH 107 1 Intermediate Swimming PED 189
PEDH 114 1 Cross Country Women  PED 1XX
PEDH 116 1 Cross Country Men  PED 1XX
PEDH 119 1 Indoor Track Men PED 1XX
PEDH 121 1 Golf Women  PED 1XX
PEDH 122 1 Golf Men PED 1XX
PEDH 123 1 Lacrosse PED 1XX
PEDH 126 1 Lifetime Sports I PED 283
PEDH 127 1 Lifetime Sports II PED 1XX
PEDH 128 1 Backpacking and Camping PED 1XX
PEDH 129 1 Snowshoeing and Ski Touring PED 1XX
PEDH 131 1 Kayaking and White Water Rafting PED 1XX
PEDH 132 1 New Games and Ropes Course PED 181
PEDH 133 1 Soccer Men PED 1XX
PEDH 134 1 Tennis Men PED 1XX
PEDH 135 1 Golf PED 154
PEDH 136 .5 Advanced Golf PED 1XX
PEDH 137 1 Softball PED 1XX
PEDH 138 1 Outdoor Track & Field Women PED 1XX
PEDH 141 1 Volleyball PED 1XX
PEDH 142 1 Soccer Women  PED 1XX
PEDH 143 1 Tennis Women PED 1XX
PEDH 144 1 Wrestling PED 1XX
PEDH 146 1 Basketball Women PED 1XX
PEDH 147 1 Swimming Men PED 1XX
PEDH 148 1 Swimming Women PED 1XX
PEDH 152 1 Team Sports I PED 180
PEDH 154 1 Team Sports II  PED 1XX
PEDH 155 1 Fitness for Life PED 282
PEDH 164 3 Lifeguard Training PED 300
PEDH 165 2 Water Safety Instructor (WSI) PED 301
PEDH 200 2 Sports Officiating I PED 2XX
PEDH 201 2 Sports Officiating II PED 2XX
PEDH 210 3 Health and Wellness HLH 110
PEDH 211 1 Cross Country Men PED 1XX
PEDH 214 1 Cross Country Women PED 1XX
PEDH 215 1 Indoor Track Women PED 1XX
PEDH 216 1 Cross Country Men PED 1XX
PEDH 217 1 Golf Women  PED 1XX
PEDH 218 1 Indoor Track Women PED 1XX
PEDH 219 1 Indoor Track Men PED 1XX
PEDH 220 2 First Aid: Responding to Emergencies

HLH 120 or

HLH 1XX (for HLH majors)

PEDH 221 1 Golf Women PED 1XX
PEDH 222 1 Golf Men


PEDH 223 1 Lacrosse Men PED 1XX
PEDH 225 1 Golf Men  PED 1XX
PEDH 226 1 Golf Men PED 1XX
PEDH 229 1 Swimming Women PED 1XX
PEDH 231 1 Swimming Men PED 1XX
PEDH 232 1 Basketball Men PED 1XX
PEDH 233 1 Soccer Men PED 1XX
PEDH 234 1 Tennis Men PED 1XX
PEDH 235 1 Outdoor Track and Field Men PED 1XX
PEDH 237 1 Softball PED 1XX
PEDH 238 1 Outdoor Track and Field Women PED 1XX
PEDH 239 1 Outdoor Track and Field Men PED 1XX
PEDH 241 1 Volleyball  PED 1XX
PEDH 242 1 Soccer Women PED 1XX
PEDH 243 1 Tennis Women PED 1XX
PEDH 244 1 Wrestling PED 1XX
PEDH 245 1 Child Abuse and Save Seminar PED 1XX and CAR and SAV
PEDH 246 1 Basketball Women PED 1XX
PEDH 255 3 Intramural Administration PED 2XX
PEDH 260 3 Philosophy/Principles/Organization of Athletics EXS 197
PEDH 265 3 Sports Management Operations SPM 255
PEDH 270 3 Health Sciences to Coaching PED 2XX
PEDH 272 2 Theory Technique Coach Basketball PED 405
PEDH 273 2 Theory Technique Coach Soccer PED 414
PEDH 274 2 Theory Technique Coach Baseball PED 404
PEDH 275 2 Theory Technique Coach Softball PED 415
PEDH 276 2 Theory Technique Coach Track/Field PED 417
PEDH 277 2 Theory Technique Coach Football PED 407
PEDH 278 2 Theory Technique Coach Volleyball PED 418
PEDH 279 2 Theory Technique Coach Tennis PED 2XX
PEDH 280 2 Theory Technique Coach Lacrosse PED 412
PEDH 281 2 Theory Technique Coach Swimming PED 416
PEDH 282 2 Theory Technique Coach Golf PED 2XX

Plumbing, Heating and Pipe Fitting (PHPD)

Courses accepted as elective credit. 

Physics (PHYS)

PHYS 150 4 General Physics I PHY 105
PHYS 155 4 General Physics II PHY 106
PHYS 210 4 Physics I: Mechanics and Heat PHY 201
PHYS 215 4 Physics II: Electricity and Optics PHY 202
PHYS 220 4 Physics III: Atomic Physics PHY 203
PHYS 290 1-4 Independent Study in Physics PHY 2XX

Park and Recreation Management (PRKM)

PRKM 100 1 Orientation Recreation and Physical Education GEN 1XX
PRKM 105 1 The Catskill Experience GEN 1XX
PRKM 110 3 Introduction to Recreation and Physical Education REC 271 or EXS 197 for Physical Education Majors
PRKM 128   1 Backpacking and Camping  REC 1XX 
PRKM 129   1 Snowshoeing and Ski Touring  REC 1XX 
PRKM 130 3 Recreation Program Planning REC 280
PRKM 131   1 Kayaking and White Water Rafting REC 1XX 
PRKM 132 1 New Games and Rope Course REC 1XX 
PRKM 145 3 Adventure Recreation Programming & Leadership REC 379
PRKM 200 3 Design and Dev of Park and Rec Facilities REC 441
PRKM 205 3 Recreation and Sport Facility and Human Resources REC 409
PRKM 210   Outdoor Education and Camping REC 360
PRKM 220 3 Park and Recreation Administration REC 445
PRKM 230 3 Park and Recreation Internship I GEN 2XX
PRKM 240 3 Park and Recreation Special Studies REC 2XX
PRKM 255 3 Park and Recreation Maintenance Management REC 402
PRKM 330 3 Recreation for Special Populations REC 3XX
PRKM 360 3 Sports Psychology EXS 346

Psychology (PSYC)

PSYC 100 3 Introductory Psychology I PSY 101
PSYC 200 3 Introductory Psychology II PSY 1XX
PSYC 210 3 Developmental Psychology PSY 333
PSYC 215 3 Child Growth & Development PSY 231
PSYC 220 3 Social Psychology PSY 422
PSYC 230 3 Abnormal Psychology PSY 421
PSYC 240 3 Adolescent Psychology PSY 232
PSYC 290 1-4 Independent Study in Psychology PSY 2XX
PSYC 300 3 Organizational Psychology PSY 342

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RFAC)

Courses accepted as elective credit. 

Restaurant (REST)   

Courses accepted as elective credit. 

Science (SCIE)    

SCIE 110 3 Science in a Modern Society SCI 320
SCIE 125 3 Exploring Physical Science Applications SCI 2XX
SCIE 170 3 Introduction to Research I LAS 1XX
SCIE 180 3 Introduction to Research II LAS 1XX
SCIE 290 1-4 Independent Study in Science SCI 2XX

Sociology (SOCI)

SOCI 100 3 Introductory Sociology SOC 150
SOCI 200 3 Social Problems SOC 2XX
SOCI 210 3 Sociology of the Family SOC 470
SOCI 220 3 The Sociology of Religion SOC 3XX
SOCI 290 1-4 Independent Study in Sociology SOC 2XX
SOCI 320 3 Sociology of Religion SOC 3XX

Social Science (SOSC)

SOSC 100 3 Family Development I HUS 1XX
SOSC 101 3 Family Development 2 HUS 1XX
SOSC 210 3 Individual Study in Social Science HUS 2XX
SOSC 215 3-6 Professional Internship Experience CPV 400

Sports and Recreation Management (SRMT)

SRMT 300 3 Sports and Recreation Facility Management SPM 227
SRMT 305 3 Sports and Recreation Event Management SPM 255
SRMT 345 3 Marketing for Sport Profession SPM 360
SRMT 350 3 Media and Sport COM 360

Travel (TRVL)

Courses accepted as elective credit. 

Turf Management (TURF)

Courses accepted as elective credit. 

University Program (UNIV)

UNIV 100 1 Freshman Seminar CLS 101
UNIV 101 3 Student Success CLS 101 or GEN 1XX
UNIV 103 1 Information Management GEN 1XX
UNIV 115 1 Fundamentals of RA Position GEN 1XX

Veterinary Management (VETM) 

VETM 205 3 Veterinary Tech Human Resource Management MGT 2XX
VETM 306 3 Veterinary Tech Human Resource Management MGT 2XX
VETM 310 3 Veterinary Business Applications MGT 2XX
VETM 320 3 Veterinary Management Law MGT 2XX
VETM 330 3 Veterinary Client Relations GEN 2XX
VETM 340 3 Veterinary Facility Management GEN 2XX
VETM 345 3 Veterinary Organization of Practice GEN 2XX
VETM 350 4 Technician Manager Internship CPV 400
VETM 360 2 Veterinary Lab Animal Management GEN 2XX

Veterinary Science Technology  (VETS)   

VETS 115 1 Medical Mathematics for Veterinary Technicians LAS 1XX
VETS 120 2 Introduction to Veterinary Science LAS 1XX
VETS 130 2 Introduction to Animal Care GEN 1XX
VETS 140 4 Animal Anatomy and Physiology SCI 1XX
VETS 160 3 Introductory Research Animal Techniques GEN 1XX
VETS 171 3 Parasitology SCI 1XX
VETS 180 2 Clinical Physiology SCI 1XX
VETS 192 1 Special Problems Advanced Tech Lab GEN 1XX
VETS 196 2 Advanced Equine Techniques GEN 1XX
VETS 200 1 Internship and Application Supervisory CPV 400
VETS 205 3 Clinical Laboratory Techniques GEN 2XX
VETS 210 1 Clinical Laboratory Techniques GEN 2XX
VETS 211 1 Humane Society Preventative Medicine GEN 2XX
VETS 220 4 Applied Research Animal Technology GEN 2XX
VETS 221 4 Breeding Colony Management GEN 2XX
VETS 222 2 Breeding Colony Management Lecture GEN 2XX
VETS 223 2 Breeding Colony Management Laboratory GEN 2XX
VETS 230 2 Farm Animal Nursing GEN 2XX
VETS 235 1 Farm Animal Nursing Laboratory GEN 2XX
VETS 238 3 Surgical Nursing and Anesthesia GEN 2XX
VETS 239 1 Surgical Nursing and Anesthesia Laboratory GEN 2XX
VETS 241 3 Advanced Surgical Nursing GEN 2XX
VETS 242 1 Companion Animal Dentistry GEN 2XX
VETS 245 2 Radiography GEN 2XX
VETS 250 3 Veterinary Clinical Management GEN 2XX
VETS 255 3 Pharmacology and Animal Disease GEN 2XX
VETS 270 3 Applied Clinical Nutrition GEN 2XX
VETS 280 2 Applied Primatology GEN 2XX
VETS 281 2 Primatology II GEN 2XX
VETS 282 1 Primatology I GEN 2XX
VETS 283 1 Primatology I Laboratory GEN 2XX
VETS 290 1-4 Special Problems GEN 2XX
VETS 291 3 Special Problems Surgery GEN 2XX
VETS 294 1 Livestock Management GEN 2XX
VETS 297 4 Special Problems Breeding Colony Management GEN 2XX
VETS 300 3 Veterinary Applications of Human Resource Management MGT 2XX

Welding (WELD) 

Courses accepted as elective credit. 

Woodworking (WDWK)    

Courses accepted as elective credit.