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Dowling College


State University of New York College at Cortland


NOTE:  Please refer to the current Cortland course catalog for information regarding major requirements. 

1XX, 2XX, 3XX or XXX – Cortland does not have an equivalent, but student will receive elective credit.

LAS XXX = Liberal Arts & Science Elective

GEN XXX = General Elective credit




Course Title (Dowling)

SUNY Cortland Equivalent

ACC 101N   Principles of Accounting I MGT 254
ANT 1001A   Introduction to Anthropology I ANT 300
ANT 1002A   Introduction to Anthropology II ANT 102
BIO 001A & lab 003A   Intro to Biology I BIO 110 or 201
BIO 002A & lab 004A   Intro to Biology II BIO 111 or 202
CHM 2182A   Chemistry and Society CHE 125
CIS 001N OR 1100N   Intro to Computer CAP 100
CIS 2005N   Intro to Web Design CAP 238 (1cr) & CAP 2XX (2cr)
DRM 1001C   Theater in Western Civ I/World Theatre I THT 161
DRM 1002C   Theater in Western Civ II/World Theatre II THT 162
DRM 1003C   Introduction to Theatre THT 100
ECN 001A   Intro Economics I (macro) ECO 110
ECN 002A   Intro Economics iI (Micro) ECO 111
EDU 1021A   Education in Society LAS 1XX
EDU 1081A   Intro to Exceptional Children SPE 270
ENG 001A   Principles of Writing CPN 100
ENG 002A   Experiments in Literature CPN 101 or ENG 200
ENG 016A   Children’s Literature ENG 373
ENG 033A   English Literature I ENG 355
ENG 034A   English Literature II ENG 356
ENG 041A   American Literature I ENG 325
ENG 042A   American Literature II ENG 326
ENG 053A   Art of the Novel ENG 202
ENG 055A   Art of Poetry ENG 203
ENG 057A   Art of the Drama ENG 204
ENG 2010A   Composition and Tech Workshop CPN 101
ESC 1006A   Elements of Oceanography GLY 397
FIN 2032N   Financial Institutions & Markets ECO 2XX
FRN 005A, 006A   French I FRE 101
FRN 006A   French II FRE 102
HST 1001C, 1002C   World History  I HIS 100
HST 1002C   World History II HIS 101
HST 001C, 002C   Western History I HIS 110
HST 002C   Western History II HIS 111
HST 021A, 022A   United States History I HIS 200
HST 022a   United States History II HIS 201
ITL 2006A   Everyday Italian II ITA 102
ITL 2016A   Conversational Italian ITA 201
ITL 2018A   Writing in Italian ITA 202
MGT 011N   Principles of Management MGT 250
MKT 033N   Principles of Marketing MGT 253
MGT 2077A   Business Law MGT 265
MTH 005A   Mathematics & the Modern World MAT 105
MTH 006A   Statistics MAT 201
MTH 014A   Pre-Calculus MAT 115
MTH 021A   Calculus I MAT 135
MTH 022A   Calculus II MAT 236
MTH 023A   Calculus III MAT 237
MTH 103A   Linear Algebra MAT 272
MUS 001C, 002C   Music in Western Civilization I, II MUS 221, 222
MUS 003A   Insight into Music MUS 100
NSC 2003C   Science and Concept of Evolution SCI 2XX
PHL 1003A   Intro to Philosophy PHI 100
PHL 1001C   Western Philosophy I PHI 201
PHL 1002C   Western Philosophy II PHI 202
PHL 1042A   Ethics PHI 135
PHY 001A & 003A   General Physics I & Lab PHY 201
PHY 002A & 004A   General Physics II PHY 202
POL 001A   Intro to Political Science POL 1XX
POL 011A   American Government & Politics POL 100
PSY 1001A   General Psychology PSY 101
PSY 015A   Developmental Psychology PSY 333
PSY 120A   Social Psychology PSY 422
PSY 140A   Abnormal Psychology PSY 421
SOC 001A   Intro Sociology SOC 150
SOC 2101C   Self and Society I: Foundations of Social Theory SOC 2XX or LAS 2XX
SOC 2120A   Criminology SOC 463
SPN 2005A   Everyday Spanish I SPA 101
SPN 2006A   Everyday Spanish II SPA 102
SPN 2016A, 018A   Intermediate Spanish Conversation I SPA 201
SPN 2018A   Intermediate Spanish Grammar and Composition SPA 202
SMP 1033N 3 First Aid & Safety

HLH 120 or 

HLH 1XX (for HLH majors)

SMP 1039N 3 Foundations of Sport Management SPM 275
VIS 1001C   Art in Western Civ I ATH 121
VIS 1002C   Art in Western Civ II ATH 122
VIS 2069N   Advanced Graphic Design ATS 202