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Niagara University

State University of New York College at Cortland


Credit Equivalencies –Niagara University


NOTE:  Please refer to the current Cortland course catalog for information regarding major requirements. 

1XX, 2XX, 3XX or XXX – Cortland does not have an equivalent, but student will receive elective credit.

LAS XXX = Liberal Arts & Science Elective

GEN XXX = General Elective credit





SUNY Cortland Equivalent

ACC 111

Financial Accounting

MGT 254




CRJ 201

Intro Criminal Justice System

POL 303




BIO 101

Human Biology


BIO 121 & 123 lab

General Biology I

BIO 110 or 201

BIO 122 & 124 lab

General Biology II

BIO 202 or 111




CIS 232

Microcomputer Applications for business

CAP 100

EDU 214

Foundations and Principles of Education in a Diverse & Democratic Society

INT 270

EDU 236

Human Learning, Development & Motivation

PSY 332

EDU 239

Characteristics of Students with Exceptional Needs

SPE 270


Intro to Literature

ENG 200 or

CPN 101

ENG 203-204

Major British Writers I, II

ENG 355, 356

ENG 215-216

Major American Writers I, II

ENG 325-326

ENG 354

Literature for Children

ENG 373




WRT 100

Thinking & Writing

CPN 100




HIS 103-104

History of the United States

HIS 200, 201

HIS 100

Americans in Postwar World


HIS 101

Western Civilization I

HIS 110

HIS 102

Western Civilization II

HIS 111




MAT 102

Introductory Statistics

MAT 201

MAT 109


MAT 115




PHI 205

Intro to Philosophy

PHI 100

PHI 206






POL 101

American Government

POL 100

PSY 101

Intro to Psychology

PSY 101




SOC 101

Intro Sociology

SOC 150

SOC 307

Marriage and Family

SOC 470

SOC 313

Social Psychology

PSY 422

SOC 314

Urban Sociology

SOC 461




THR 103

Intro to Theatre

THT 100







SPA 101

Elementary Spanish I

SPA 101

SPA 102

Elementary Spanish II

SPA 102

SPA 103

Intermediate Spanish

SPA 201 

SPA 104

Intermediate Spanish II

SPA 202

SPA 205-206

Advanced Conversational Spanish and Composition

SPA 306

SPA 206

Advanced Conversational Spanish and Comp II


SPA 305

Civilization & Cultural Spain

SPA 318

FRE 101

Elementary French I

FRE 101

FRE 102

Elementary French II

FRE 102

FRE 103-104

Intermediate French

FRE 201 – 202

FRE 205-206

Advanced Conversational French & Composition

FRE 305 - LAS 3XX




WRT 100

Thinking and Writing

CPN 100