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SUNY Empire State College

State University of New York College at Cortland


Credit Equivalencies – SUNY Empire State College
NOTE:  Please refer to the current Cortland course catalog for information regarding major requirements.
1XX, 2XX, 3XX or XXX – Cortland does not have an equivalent, but student will receive elective credit.
LAS XXX = Liberal Arts & Science Elective
GEN XXX = General Elective credit

Empire State College Course Title (Empire State College) SUNY Cortland Equivalent
122024 The Photographic Vision ATS 114
DIGI 1010 Digital Art and Design: Intro ATS 202
172364 Human Biology BIO 1XX
271504 Ecology, Adaptation, and Sustainable Development EST 100
3400 Marine Biology BIO 3XX
BIOL 1304 (4 credits) Anatomy and Physiology I w/Lab BIO 301
BIOL 1305 (4 credits) Anatomy and Physiology II w/Lab BIO 302
CHEM 1205 (4 credits) Chemistry I w/lab CHE 227/277
CHEM 1206 (4 credits) Chemistry II w/lab CHE 228/278
CHEM 3210 (4 credits) Organic Chemistry I w/Lab CHE 300/303
Computer Applications    
  Computer Information Systems CAP 100
171454 Microcomputer Applications CAP 100
222304 Communications for Professionals COM 320
122332 Interpersonal and Small Group Communication (4cr) COM 320
COMW 2010 Grant Writing PWR 324
COMW 2122 Writing Non-Fiction ENG 306
COMW 3015  Technical Writing PWR 393
CUI 22123201  Intercultural Communications COM 302
CUL 223884 Media, Ethics and Law COM 400
214414 Money and Banking ECO 431
112014 Accounting I MGT 254
112024 Accounting II MGT 255
112214 Macro Economics ECO 110
112224 Micro Economics ECO 111
113504 Human Resource Management & Development MGT 385
112414 Marketing Principles MGT 253
MGMT 3050 Operations Management MGT 410
MGMT 4035 Strategic Management MGT 454
213514 Corporate Finance ECO 352
ECET 2020 (4 credits) The Culture of Caregiving: Infants, Toddlers & Families EDU 333
ECET 3030 (4 credits) Curriculum & Environments for Infants & Toddlers EDU 334
ECET 3050 (4 credits) Observation & Assessment of Children EDU 330
121624 College Writing CPN 100
221404 Intro to Literature ENG 200
222404 American Literature: 1600-1865 ENG 325
222414 American Literature: 1865-Present ENG 326
124404 Scriptwriting ENG 304
222514 Children's Literature: Introductory ENG 2XX
224524 Children’s Literature: Advanced ENG 373
223554 (4 credits) Shakespeare  ENG 433
LITR 2020 (4 credits) The Modern Short Story ENG 202
LITR 2055 (4 credits) Studies in British Literature ENG 2XX
LITR 3020 (4 credits) Introduction to Poetry  ENG 203
LITR 3046 (4 credits) Poetry ENG 3XX
LITR 3062 (4 credits) British Literature to 1798 ENG 355
GEOL 1200 (4 credits) Introduction to Geology GLY 160
GEOL 2200 (4 credits) Historical Geology w/Lab GLY 262
172354 Human Nutrition HLH 323/232
HSCI 4200 (3 credits) Epidemiology HLH 391
142104 World History 1 – to 1600 HIS 100
142114 World History 2 – 1600-Present HIS 101
141214 United States History 1 – 1492-1865 HIS 200
141224 United States History 2 – 1865 to Present HIS 201
143294 Vietnam: A Cross-National Interdisciplinary  Perspective HIS 430
143324 Modern China HIS 384
243254 Women’s & Family History in America: Colonial Period to Present HIS 317
HIST 1115 Western Civilization I HIS 110
HIST 1120 Western Civilization II HIS 111
HIST 3140 Public History: A Shared Conversation with the Past HIS 280
Human Services
HUSV 2010 (4 credits) Case Management HUS 301
172384 Statistics MAT 201
MATH 1140 (4 credits) Precalculus MAT 115
MATH 1150 (4 credits) Calculus for Business MAT 121
MATH 3020 (4 credits) Graph Theory MAT 3XX
MATH 4020 (4 credits) Quantitative Methods for Management MAT 3XX
MATH 4030 (4 credits) Real Analysis MAT 420
121514 Exploring the World of Music MUS 100
CUL 222224 An Introduction to Philosophy PHI 100
222244 Introduction to Ethics PHI 203
PHYS 1100 (4 credits) Introductory Astronomy PHY 155
PHYS 1200 (4 credits) Physics I w/Lab PHY 105
PHYS 1201 (4 credits) Physics II w/Lab PHY 106
HDV 282164 Intro to Psychology PSY 101
114614 Organizational Behavior PSY 342
HDV 284134 Theories of Personality PSY 322
184074 Abnormal Psychology PSY 421
184064 Social Psychology PSY 422
HDV 284334 Educational Psychology PSY 332
HDUV 1005 (4 credits) Child Development: Intro PSY 231
HDUV 2005 (4 credits) Adolescent Development PSY 232
Political Science    
161204 The American Political System: Intro American Govt POL 100
162224 State and Local Government POL 326
262224 State and Local Government POL 326
262454 International Politics & Relations POL 3XX
182124 Intro to Sociology SOC 150
164604 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency SOC 462
183304 Family & Society SOC 470
284534 (SOSC 3020) Qualitative Social Science Research: Design & Methods SOC 293 or SOC 301
221304 Intro to Spanish I SPA 101
221314 Intro to Spanish 2 SPA 102