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SUNY University at Buffalo

State University of New York College at Cortland

Credit Equivalencies – University at Buffalo


NOTE:  Please refer to the current Cortland course catalog for information regarding major requirements. 

1XX, 2XX, 3XX or XXX – Cortland does not have an equivalent, but student will receive elective credit.

LAS XXX = Liberal Arts & Science Elective

GEN XXX = General Elective credit


University at Buffalo


Course Title (UB)

SUNY Cortland Equivalent

American Studies

AMS 107 3 Introduction to American Studies LAS 1XX
Pathology and Anatomical Science
PAS 407 6 Gross Human Anatomy BIO 301 and BIO 302
APY 106 3 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology ANT 102
APY 108 3 Introduction to Archaeology ANT 103
APY 246 3 Introduction to Primate Behavior ANT 2XX
APY 262 3 Anthropology and Justice ANT 2XX
APY 276 3 Introduction to Ethnomedicine ANT 2XX
APY 328 3 Biology Society & Culture ANT 3XX
APY 371 3 African American Culture ANT 3XX
APY 382 3 Indians of South America  
APY 393 3 Anthropology of Religion ANT 326
APY 396 3 Methods in Urban Anthropology  
APY 477 3 Topics in Medical Anthropology ANT 4XX
APY 498 1-6 Internship CPV 400
ART 111 3 Drawing Fundamentals I ATS 101
ART 112 3 Drawing Fundamentals II ATS 201
ART 231 3 Painting ATS 103
ART 229 3 Basic Sculpture I ATS 106
Art History
AHI 105 3 Art of the Ancient World ATH 121
AHI 251 3 Introduction to Modern Art ATH 122
ATH 110 1 Jogging and Conditioning PED 1XX
ATH 116 1 Fitness and Conditioning PED 182
ATH 121 1 Intermediate Swimming PED 189
ATH 133 2 Elementary Judo and Self Defense PED 284
ATH 143 1 Beginning Racquetball PED 1XX
ATH 145 1 Beginning In Line Skating PED 1XX
ATH 150 1 Social Dance – Latin Rhythms PED 1XX or DNC 1XX
ATH 151 1 Folk and Square Dancing PED 1XX
ATH 153 1 Social Dance – American Rhythms PED 1XX
ATH 201 3 Organization and Administration of Recreational Sports EXS 2XX
ATH 230 3 Theories and Techniques of Coaching ATR 2XX
ATH 299 3 Philosophy, Principles and Organization of Athletics EXS 197


BIO 129 3 Perspectives in Human Biology SCI 1XX
BIO 200 5 Evolutionary Biology BIO 2XX
BIO 201 4 Cell Biology BIO 210
 Communicative Disorders and Sciences
CDS 151 3 Introduction to Speech - Language Pathology and Audiology SHH 270
CDS 290 3 Audiology: Diagnosis and Management SHH 383
CHE 101 5 General Chemistry I CHE 227/277
CHE 102 5 General Chemistry II CHE 228/278
CHE 107 4 General Chemistry for Engineers I CHE 121
CHE 108 4 General Chemistry for Engineers II CHE 122
CHE 201 5 Organic Chemistry I CHE 301 or CHE 300/303
CHE 202 5 Organic Chemistry II CHE 302/304
CL 222 3 Greek Civilization HIS 342
Counseling, School and Educational Psychology
CEP 400 3 Educational Psychology PSY 332
Computer Science and Engineering
CSE 101 4 Computers: A General Introduction CAP 100
CSE 113 4 Introduction to Computer Programming I MCS 186
COM 101 3 Principles of Communication COM 100
COM 125 3 Introduction to the Internet CAP 1XX
COM 202 3 Intercultural Communication COM 302
COM 205 3 Research Methods COM 304
COM 217 3 Communication in Organizations COM 320
COM 225 3 Interpersonal Communication COM 300
COM 240 3 Survey of Mass Communication COM 301
COM 244 3 History of the Media COM 200
COM 317 3 Business and Professional Communication COM 380
COM 337 3 Communication Theory COM 3XX
COM 350 3 Age of Information COM 110
COM 380 3 Health Communication COM 450
COM 443 3 Principles and Techniques of Advertising COM 421
COM 452 Analysis of the Media COM 430
Media Study
DMS 109 4 Introduction to Film Interpretation CIN 1XX
DMS 121 4 Basic Digital Arts ATS 202
DMS 155 4 Introduction to New Media COM 110
DMS 218 4 NET Cultures LAS 2XX
ECO 181 4 Introduction to Macroeconomics ECO 110
ECO 182 4 Introduction to Microeconomics ECO 111
ECO 205 3 Money and Banking ECO 431
MGO 403 3 Strategic Management MGT 454
ECO 405 3 Microeconomic Theory I ECO 301
ENG 105 4 Writing and Rhetoric CPN 101
ENG 208 3 Writing About Literature ENG 302
ENG 210 3 Professional Writing PWR 295
ENG 221 3 World Literature I ENG 2XX
ENG 231 3 British Writers I ENG 355
ENG 232 3 British Writers II ENG 356
ENG 241 3 American Writers I ENG 325
ENG 242 3 American Writers II ENG 326
ENG 264 3 Children’s Literature ENG 373
ENG 301 3 Criticism ENG 480
ENG 308 3 Early Modern Drama ENG 4XX
ENG 309 3 Shakespeare ENG 433
ENG 350 3 Literature of Migration ENG 4XX
ENG 367 3 Psychoanalysis and Culture ENG 480
ENG 375 3 Heaven, Hell and Judgment – Myth and Image ENG 280
ENG 379 3 Film Genres ENG 305
ENG 442 4 Contemporary Cinema ENG 278
Engineering and Applied Sciences
EAS 140 3 Engineering Solutions GEN 1XX
EAS 207 3 Statics PHY 422
Exercise Science
ES 200 3 Science of Human Movement EXS 2XX
ES 207 4

Fundamentals of Human Form & Function

 (*If taken w/PGY 300)


 *BIO 301 and BIO 302

ES 251 3

Women, Gender and Sport

EXS 445

ES 310 and ES 410 5 Exercise Assessment, Prescription, and Programming I and II EXS 432
ES 330 3 Life Span Physiology EXS 3XX
ES 342 3 Neuroscience I BIO 3XX
ES 343 3 Neuroscience II BIO 3XX
ES 370 4 Biomechanics I EXS 387
ES 380 and ES 381 5 Exercise Physiology EXS 397
ES 441 1 Critical Inquiry  EXS 4XX
ES 442 1 Applications in Exercise Science  EXS 4XX
FR 101 5 Elementary French I FRE 101
FR 102 5 Elementary French II FRE 102
FR 151 3 Intermediate French 1st Semester FRE 201
FR 152 3 Intermediate French 2nd Semester FRE 202
Undergraduate College
UGC 111 3 World Civilizations I HIS 100
UGC 112 3 World Civilizations II HIS 101
UGC 211 3 American Pluralism and the Search for Equality LAS 2XX
GEO 100 3 Geographic Perspective and World Issues GRY 120
GEO 101 3 Earth Systems Science GRY 110 or GLY 160
GEO 102 3 Introduction to Human Geography GRY 125
GLY 306 4 Petrology GLY 302
GLY 407 3 Geological Field Training GLY 476
HIS 142 3 Civilizations and Beliefs: Global History HIS 101
HIS 151 3 Western Civilization I HIS 110
HIS 152 3 Western Civilization II HIS 111
HIS 161 3 United States History I HIS 200
HIS 162 3 United States History II HIS 201
ITA 101 5 Elementary Italian 1st Semester ITA 101, 102
ITA 102 5 Elementary Italian 2nd Semester ITA 102
ITA 151 3 Intermediate Italian 1st Semester ITA 201
ITA 152 3 Intermediate Italian 2nd Semester ITA 202
Legal Studies
JLS 201 3 Introduction to Law and Legal Process POL 202
LIN 205 3 Introduction to Linguistic Analysis SHH 300
Learning and Instruction
LAI 350 3 Introduction to Education EDU 270
MGA 201 3 Introduction to Accounting MGT 254
MGB 301 3 Organizational Behavior and Administration MGT 250
MGF 301 3 Corporation Finance ECO 352
MGG 150 3 Introduction to Business LAS 1XX
MGG 330 3 Small Business and Entrepreneurship LAS 1XX
MGI 301 3 Human Resource Management MGT 385
MGM 301 3 Principles of Marketing MGT 253
MGO 403 3 Strategic Management MGT 454
MGQ 201 4 Computer and Statistics CAP 100
MGQ 301 3 Statistical Decisions and Management ECO 221
MTH 115 4 Survey of Algebra and Trigonometry MAT 115
MTH 121 4 Survey of Calculus and Its Applications I MAT 121
MTH 122 4 Survey of Calculus and Its Applications II MAT 122
MTH 131 4 Mathematical Analysis for Management MAT 121 or ECO 222
MTH 141 4 College Calculus I MAT 135
MTH 142 4 College Calculus II MAT 236
MTH 181 3 Conceptual Math I MAT 1XX
MTH 191 4 Introduction to Discrete Mathematics I MAT 1XX
MTH 192 4 Introduction to Discrete Mathematics II MAT 1XX
MTH 241 4 College Calculus III MAT 237
MTH 306 4 Introduction to Differential Equations MAT 336
MTH 309 4 Introductory Linear Algebra MAT 272
Microbiology and Immunology
MIC 301 4 Fundamentals of Microbiology for Allied Health Professionals BIO 303
MIC 401 4 Biomedical Microbiology BIO 304
MUS 115 3 Understanding Music MUS 100
MUS 117 3 Pop Music - Ragtime to Rock MUS 137
MUS 264 3 World Music MUS 101
NTR 108 3 Human Nutrition HLH 232 or HLH 323
NUR 101 2 Introduction to Nursing GEN 1XX
NUR 250 Human Growth and Development GEN 2XX
NUR 368 3 Human Sexuality Research HLH 302
PHI 101 3 Introduction to Philosophy PHI 100
PHI 107 3 Ethics PHI 135
PHI 115 3 Critical Thinking PHI 110
PHI 237 3 Social and Ethical Values in Medicine PHI 321
PHI 360 3 Ancient Philosophy PHI 201
PHI 370 3 Early Modern Philosophy PHI 202
PHY 101 and PHY 151 5 College Physics I and Lab PHY 105
PHY 102 and PHY 152 5 College Physics II and Lab PHY 106
PHY 107 4 General Physics I PHY 201
PHY 108 4 General Physics II PHY 202
PHY 121 3 Astronomy and Cosmic Origins  PHY 1XX
PHY 123 1 Astronomy and Cosmic Origins Lab  PHY 1XX
PHY 121 and PHY 123 4 Astronomy and Cosmic Origins and Lab PHY 150
PHY 207 4 General Physics III PHY 2XX
PHY 401 3 Quantum Mechanics I - Fundamentals PHY 475
PHY 407 3 Advanced Lab PHY 357
PGY 300 4

Human Physiology

 *If taken w/ES 207 or ANA 113


 BIO 301 & BIO 302*


Political Science
PSC 101 3 Introduction to American Politics POL 100
PSY 101 3 Introductory Psychology PSY 101
PSY 207 4 Psychological Statistics PSY 201
PSY 221 3 Psychology of Personality PSY 322
PSY 222 3 Abnormal Psychology PSY 421
PSY 223 3 Developmental Psychology PSY 333
PSY 224 3 Social Psychology PSY 422
PSY 230 3 Biopsychology PSY 2XX
PSY 246 3 Sensory Processes and Perception PSY 412
PSY 247 3 Cognitive Psychology PSY 313
PSY 331 3 Social Psychology PSY 422
PSY 324 3 Clinical Psychology PSY 486
PSY 325 3 Health Psychology PSY 435
PSY 351 3 Biopsychology PSY 3XX
PSY 438 3 Sport and Exercise Psychology EXS 367
Religious Studies
RSP 213 3 World Religions RLS 200
Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
SSC 103 3 Introduction to Health and Human Services HUS 100
SSC 315 3 Field Ecology BIO 3XX
SSC 416 3 Introduction to Early Childhood Education Theory and Practice EDU 270
SOC 101 3 Introduction to Sociology SOC 150
SOC 206 3 Social Problems SOC 2XX
SOC 211 3 Sociology of Diversity SOC 352
SOC 307 3 Criminology CRM 463
SOC 310 3 Sociology of Education SOC 487
SOC 311 3 Drugs and Society SOC 345 or CRM 345
SOC 313 3 Sociology of the Family SOC 470
SOC 317 3 Criminal Justice Systems CRM 303 or POL 303
SOC 322 3 Medical Sociology SOC 371
SPA 101 5 Elementary Spanish 1st Semester SPA 101
SPA 102 5 Elementary Spanish 2nd Semester SPA 102
SPA 104 5 Transitional Elementary Spanish SPA 102
SPA 151 3 Intermediate Spanish 1st Semester SPA 201
SPA 152 3 Intermediate Spanish 2nd Semester SPA 202
SPA 207 3 Spanish Conversation and Composition SPA 306
STA 111 3 Introduction to Probability and Statistics MAT 201
TH 101 3 Introduction to Theatre THT 100
TH 108 3 Basic Acting I THT 120
University at Buffalo Experience
UBE 101 1 University Experience CLS 101
UBE 202 3 Career Planning GEN 2XX
Undergraduate College
UGC 111 3 World Civilization I HIS 100
UGC 112 3 World Civilization II HIS 101
UGC 211 3 American Pluralism LAS 2XX
Undergraduate Learning Center
ULC 147 4 Intermediate Algebra MAT 1XX
ULC 148 4 Intermediate Algebra and Trigonometry MAT 115
Women’s Studies
WS 101 3 Introduction to Women’s Studies WST 100