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SGA Elections

General Election Information

The election for 2024-25 SGA Officers was held on April 3-5, 2024; congratulations to our incoming officers.

President Elect for 2024-25:

Khyla Diggs

  • Major/Minor: Adolescence Education social studies and History with a minor in Africana Studies
  • Year: Junior
  • Hometown: Middletown, NY
  • Fun Fact: Played soccer for 11 years. 

      Vice President Elect for 2024-25:

      Tannu Punn

      • Major/Minor: Political Science with a minor in English
      • Year: Junior
      • Hometown: Queens, NY
      • Fun Fact: Her first language wasn't English!


      Interim Chief Financial Officer 2024-25:

      Sophia Scaperotti

      • Major: Mathematics with a minor in Economics
      • Year: Sophomore
      • Hometown: Carmel, NY
      • Fun Fact: I'm vegetarian and I love cats.