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International Student Tuition/Costs

Great educational value

How much is it going cost me? It’s one of the biggest questions you might have in planning your study abroad experience.

International award: Most full-time international students seeking a SUNY Cortland degree receive a financial award worth $7,500 (Fall 2024 entry) per year, making our tuition among the most affordable for four-year colleges in the State University of New York system.

Partner institution perks: Exchange and non-matriculated students coming for one or two semesters also might be eligible for a tuition waiver through partnership agreements with their home institutions. Regardless of how long you study in Cortland, you’ll soon realize the experience is worth every dollar.

Student workingEarn income: You’re also eligible to work on campus up to 20 hours a week for academic departments, administrative offices, recreation facilities or our dining services provider. It’s a common way to earn income while studying here.

Live for free: International students who study at SUNY Cortland for more than one year can apply for positions as resident assistants in residence halls. You will receive free housing and a pay stipend in exchange for your service.

In short, there are plenty of ways to make your Cortland experience a very affordable one.

Undergraduate expenses*

Fall 2024 Academic Year Entry - Annual Estimate

Total Billed Expenses: $28,963

Billed Expenses
Tuition $16,980
Mandatory College Fees $1,804
Mandatory Health Insurance $2,119
Housing & Meal Plan $15,560
SUNY Cortland International Award -$7,500
Total Annual Billed Expenses
Non-Billed Expenses in the U.S.** Amount
Books & supplies $1,200

 * Subject to change pending state budget or university action

 ** Be aware that the non-billed expenses may vary from student to student

Graduate expenses*

Fall 2024 Academic Year Entry - Annual Estimate

Total Billed Expenses: $15,190

Billed Expenses Amount
Tuition (full-time, 9 credits)  $17,334
Mandatory College Fees $1,353
Mandatory Health Insurance $2,119

SUNY Cortland International Award (9 credits)

Total Annual Billed Expenses
Non-Billed Expenses in the U.S.**
Off campus housing and meals $11,670
Books & supplies $900
Total Non-Billed Expenses $12,570

 * Subject to change pending state budget or university action

 ** Be aware that the non-billed expenses may vary from student to student