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Thank You Letters

All students who receive funds from a Foundation (donor-funded) scholarship are asked to write a thank you letter to the donor(s) of the scholarship.

Why Thank You Letters are Requested

Most of the scholarships available at SUNY Cortland are made possible by generous contributions from donors who believe in the importance of a college education and want to invest in the future of SUNY Cortland students. By writing a thank you letter, you demonstrate that you are the kind of student they can be proud to support. Hearing from scholarship recipients is also very meaningful to donors. It allows them to obtain a glimpse of how the gift has made a difference in the life of a student. Your words remind donors of the impact of their scholarship gift. Many of them continue to give additional scholarship funds because they know their gifts are deeply appreciated and that they are helping deserving students realize their potential.

  • If you receive multiple donor-funded scholarships, you must submit an individual thank you letter for each award you received.
  • If you are receiving a renewable scholarship, you must write a thank you letter to the donor each year that you receive the scholarship.

 Thank You Letter Submission

Questions should be addressed to: Manager of Scholarships and Donor Relations:

  • This link will take you to a special myRedDragon login page. Login as usual.
  • It is recommended to write your letter and save it on your own computer, then cut and paste it into the form.
  • If you VIEW your thank you letter before submitting it, realize the letter shows up immediately below the SUBMIT button.  Try to avoid hitting the back arrow because you may lose your letter and have to start over.

  Thank You Letter Content

  • Thank the donor for his or her generosity in providing this scholarship and how this scholarship will make a difference in your education.
  • You should tell the donor(s) a little bit about yourself, including:
    • Your hometown
    • Family background
    • Experiences and life situations that led you to pursue a degree at SUNY Cortland
  • You should also include some information about your current situation, such as:
    • What you are studying at SUNY Cortland
    • What you are involved in both on- and off-campus
  • Research and/or internships in which you have taken part
  • Describe how the scholarship support will help you meet, or exceed, your educational goals
  • Finally, you may want to talk about your future plans, like:
    • What you hope to accomplish while still a SUNY Cortland student
    • What your plans are after graduation, graduate school or career aspirations
  • If you are receiving a renewable scholarship and have sent a thank you letter to the donor during a previous year, give the donor an update as to what has changed in your life since you sent the last letter.
  • Pay careful attention to the grammar, spelling, and organization of your letter.

Sample Letters (PDF's)

Sample Letter thank you letter

If you have any questions about the thank you letter requirement, contact the: Manager of Donor Relations: