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This portion of the Biology Department website is devoted to our current students.  From here you can find information about student organizations and see what activities they sponsor.  The students who have recently been honored on the President's List and the Dean's List can be seen.  Also, you can view a little history when you visit the pages for the annual Academic and Scholarship Award Recipients.  Finally, you can check on list of students and their advisors.

Student Organizations

Students are encouraged to participate in the many available activities. Our Biology Club is very active. It hosts outside speakers periodically, holds faculty-student athletic and social events, and organizes a variety of field trips. The National Honor Society for Biology, Beta Beta Beta (better known as "Tri-Beta"), inducts about 10 qualified members every spring. Students find that through both academic and social activities they get to know the Department's faculty and staff as well as their classmates and come to feel a part of the Biology Department.

Tri-Beta Biology Honor Society Inductees and Reception

Photo of Blackboard

"Blackboard" by Liz Csikar.  Over several days during Finals week Liz made this drawing
depicting many of the department faculty.

Academic Award and Scholarship Winners

Check out these lists to see who have been the top academic award recipients over the years.
Who do you think will be this year's winners?  Will it be you who has your name on the Web?

Outstanding Academic Achievement: Sophomore Award
This award is given to the sophomore student with the highest GPA.

Outstanding Academic Achievement: Junior Award
This award is given to the junior student with the highest GPA. 

Outstanding Academic Achievement: Senior Award
This award is given to the senior student with the highest GPA. 

Recipients of the Aldo Leopold Award
This award is for the outstanding junior or senior preparing for
a career in environmental science or environmental education.

Recipients of the Dr. Norman B. Reynolds Memorial Scholarship
This award is for the outstanding senior Biology student.