Modern Languages News
Films Take Nuanced Look at East Germany
German film expert Michael Richardson will discuss the films on Nov 14.
Series to Explore Cultures in Conflict
Jay Pierson, who served U.S. House of Representatives members, speaks Sept. 18.
‘Wartime Italy’ Film Series Continues
Three films in September will commemorate the 70th anniversary of a pivotal moment for Italy during World War II.
College to Host Italian Film Series
"Wartime Italy" includes four films about the Italian home front during World War II.
Second Language Educators Confer Sept. 29
Keynote speaker Robert Ponterio will address diversity in language teaching.
Overseas Scholarships and Awards Flourish
The 66 latest study abroad scholars will visit China, Ukraine and Spain.
College Announces Record Number of New Faculty
The College will begins its academic year with 35 new full-time faculty members.
Panel Discusses "Cultural Perspectives on Plagiarism"
Three faculty members will explore “Cultural Perspectives on Plagiarism” from 4:30-6 p.m. in Old Main, Room G-10.
International Communications and Culture Becomes Modern Languages
International Communications and Culture (ICC) Department faculty recently voted to change the department’s name to the Modern Languages Department, effective to external audiences at the start of the 2010-11 academic year.
Chinese Artist Shares Ceramic Techniques
Li Jiansheng, one of China’s foremost ceramic artists and scholars, will discuss Chinese and American cultural similarities and differences that find common ground in the clay medium, on Wednesday, March 24, at SUNY Cortland.