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1. Introduction

This is a pilot program to provide academic and professional faculty members with an informal, confidential, impartial, and independent resource to address concerns or questions openly without fear of retaliation or judgment. The committee operates outside of formal channels of the labor unions and Human Resources to provide an additional layer of conflict resolution resources to promote more fully a respectful and ethical campus community in line with the College’s values, policies, and with the strategic priority of well-being. Proceedings before this committee are treated with the greatest degree of confidentiality possible, insofar as it does not interfere with the University's obligations to investigate allegations of misconduct that require it to take corrective action, or to fulfill duties imposed by law.

2. Goals

  1. Enhance college strategic priority of well-being
  2. Improve campus climate
  3. Save money on outside mediation services
  4. Alleviate the burden on human resources

3. The committee will consider issues such as

  1. Personality conflicts
  2. Campus climate issues
  3. Bullying
  4. Sexism
  5. Homophobia
  6. Lack of civility and collegiality
  7. Cultural differences
  8. Other areas of dispute.

4. The committee will address concerns and problems faced by academic and professional faculty members by various means, including

  1. Individual consultation
  2. Conciliation/mediation by member(s) of the committee
  3. Referral to another source

5. Membership

Membership on the committee will be completed by application, to be reviewed and chosen by the Provost in conjunction with the Faculty Senate Chair (or designee) and chair of the service. Members who apply need to have been employed at the College for a minimum of five years. Terms will be for two years, with the option for additional terms. Preference will be given to those applicants who have completed one or more of SUNY Cortland’s Summer Ethics Institute, SUNY Cortland’s Crucial Conversations, SUNY Cortland’s Summer Diversity Institute and/or SUNY Cortland’s Leading with Impact. Other relevant experience and training will be taken into consideration.

Membership shall be as follows:

  • Chair
  • Five academic faculty members, including the library
  • Three professional faculty members
  • Two at-large from all faculty

6. Chair appointment

The chair of the Mediation and Reconciliation Service is appointed by the Provost in consultation with the Faculty Senate Chair (or designee).