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Spreading Awareness

SUNY Cortland’s decision to go tobacco-free is supported by the American College Health Association’s Position Statement on Tobacco on Colleges and University Campuses, which recommends 100 percent tobacco-free buildings and grounds. This decision supports development of healthy lifestyles and protects our students, faculty and staff from the known harmful effects of secondhand smoke.

SUNY Cortland is a front-runner in this national movement of colleges in the United States going 100 percent tobacco-free. Recently, President Erik J. Bitterbaum praised the decision of the SUNY Board of Trustees to make the entire SUNY system tobacco-free and thus the largest tobacco-free public university system in the nation.

SUNY Cortland’s Tobacco-Free Policy went into effect Jan. 1, 2013. It is up to everyone to help continue to make this policy successful.  If you encounter someone using tobacco on campus, you might find the tips in the following acronym helpful in approaching that person.

      S – “Smile”

      M – “Make” the assumption that the person doesn’t know the policy.

      A – “Approach” them in a positive way by introducing yourself.

      R – “Remind” them that we are tobacco free and there are resources.

      – “Thank” them for their cooperation. 

The following video also provides useful information on approaching someone not complying with the policy.

If you need additional information or resources concerning SUNY Cortland’s Tobacco-Free Policy, please contact one of these offices.

 Additional Online Resources

Online Information from the American Cancer Society

Special thanks to Green River Community College.