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FAQ Details

What courses are excluded from the automatic scheduling process?

Many course types do not offer exams due to their format, and are not required to submit a request indicating that exams will not be given.

The following will also not receive automatic placements. If a faculty member is planning to offer an exam or culminating experience, a reservation should be made via the exam scheduling process.

Excluded Course Types:

  • Activity Sections
  • Assistantships
  • COR Courses
  • Fieldwork
  • Independent Study or Directed Learning
  • Internships
  • Labs (Exams are assigned to corresponding lectures unless labs are stand-alone.)
  • Participation Sections
  • Research Sections
  • SAB Courses
  • Student Teaching
  • Studio Art and Performance Sections
  • Thesis Sections

Last updated: 10/4/2019