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Model Gardens

The SUNY Cortland Model Garden was created in 2013 for the purpose of educating the SUNY Cortland community and the larger Cortland community on ecologically sustainable gardening in an urban setting. The SUNY Cortland Garden Advisory Committee is in charge of maintaining the garden and coordinating its programs.


All members of the community are welcome to participate with the Garden. It's a site for collaboration between the college and the larger Cortland community. The Committee actively seeks out faculty, student and community organizations, and other partners on or off campus who are interested in the areas of:

  • Sustainability
  • Plant biology
  • Health, wellness, and nutrition
  • Food ethics and politics
  • Community organizing
  • Recreation
  • Other topics related to urban gardening

The Committee will attempt to fund and hire a paid intern each growing season to help:

  • Publicize the Garden
  • Hold educational programs
  • Coordinate volunteers
  • Maintain the Garden

While the focus of the garden is on education, not on yielding significant amounts of food, the Committee shares the harvest with its partners.

  • Start-up costs for the Garden were paid for in part by Seven Valleys Health Coalition. In return, a significant portion of the Garden’s proceeds are donated to local communities in need.
  • ASC assisted with starting the garden and contributes to maintenance. In return, a portion of the Garden’s proceeds are used by ASC Dining and Catering for some meals, especially those with an educational component.
  • All who help with the gardening are welcome to share the harvest.

To learn more about the garden, like us on Facebook!