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Temporary Disabilities

It is common for students to need assistance temporarily due to a severe injury, surgery, illness, or other serious condition. Please refer to this list of Frequently Asked Questions to determine your next steps.

I'm going to miss class and/or deadlines because of my condition. What should I do?

Contact your associate dean with documentation of your condition. They can contact your instructors to ask for flexibility for a short time.

How can I find accessible entryways to buildings and elevators?

Browse through this accessibility information about the most commonly used buildings on campus.

How can I get permission to park in ADA parking spots on campus?

Check out our page on parking for students with disabilities and temporary injuries.

I'm struggling to complete my work and/or attend class because of my condition. What can I do?

Complete the form to Connect with Disability Resources. We will get in touch to schedule an appointment to discuss your options. This may include training for access technology like dictating using Microsoft 365 or your Mac, tools to listen to readings, which can help avoid eye strain, or note taking tools that synchronize an audio recording to your notes, allowing you to write or type the bare minimum while in class. Other ways to reduce eye strain include limiting blue light on screens through the use of night light settings on Windows, Night Shift on iOS, Night Shift on Mac, and Blue Light Filter on Android or by enabling Black Mode with Microsoft Office, Dark Mode on iOS, Dark Mode on Mac, and Dark Theme on Android.

I'm pregnant and it's impacting my access to SUNY Cortland's programs. What should I do?

Students who are pregnant or nursing and are seeking accommodations should contact the Title IX Office. The Title IX Coordinator will discuss what resources and accommodations may be available and will help facilitate conversations with the necessary offices or academic departments.

Students who are experiencing medical complications as a result of their pregnancy or birth of their child should fill out a form to Connect with Disability Resources or, if already connected with Disability Resources, contact their accessibility associate. We will get in touch to schedule an appointment to discuss your options. 

My question is not listed above. Who can I ask?

Contact the Disability Resources Office at 607-753-2967 or We are happy to answer your questions or refer you to others on campus who can do so.