One of the differences between high school and college is that it is the responsibility of the student to request an accommodation and provide support for it. We use our professional judgment to explore three different types of documentation when determining how a student may best get equal access to SUNY Cortland. Every student is unique. In some cases, only one type of documentation is needed while in others it is necessary to have multiple sources to fully discern how a disability may be expressed in a particular university setting. This practice follows the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) guidance on documentation. AHEAD is the foremost professional organization for those working on disability in higher education in the United States.
Primary Documentation - Student Self-report
Most importantly, we want to hear from a student about how their environment limits their daily life, especially in academic settings. Our access consultants will ask questions to learn about a student's past experiences with disability, barriers, and both effective and ineffective ways of eliminating those barriers.
Secondary Documentation - Observation and Interaction
Our access consultants will use our professional experience to observe and listen to a student and engage in an interactive process. This may validate a student's narrative and help to support a student's request.
Tertiary Documentation - Information from Third Parties
This may include an IEP or 504 plan from high school, accommodation letters from other colleges, reports or assessments from medical providers, psychologists, mental health providers, instructors, and/or additional sources. Documentation from third parties may vary in its value and relevance, but all information is examined to draw as complete a picture of a student as possible.
Students need not provide any documentation to get started with the Disability Resources Office. Please fill out the form to Connect with Disability Resources or schedule an informational meeting by contacting us at 607-753-2967 or You may upload documents with that form, but none are necessary to identify to SUNY Cortland or begin exploring accommodations.
Please refer to our page on Accessible Campus Housing requests for how to submit third party documentation for housing requests.
If providers wish to send us documentation directly, it may be delivered to:
Suzanne Sprague, Director
Disability Resources Office
SUNY Cortland
PO Box 2000
Cortland, NY 13045
Phone: 607-753-2967
Fax: 607-753-5495