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Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question that is not answered here? Call us at 607-753-4724.

What if I miss a deadline?

  • RSP Form deadline: if you want to live on campus and miss the RSP Form deadline, you will have to complete the Wait List form. Wait list forms will be made available after the room selection process concludes.
  • Room deposit deadline: you will be removed from the assignment you chose during RSP. If you want housing, you can pay your deposit beginning on February 1 through June 1.
      • You are strongly encouraged to pay by April 30 and complete the wait list housing form out on May 1.
        • If you are required to live on campus, you will be reassigned to another room.
        • If you are not required to live on campus, you will not be guaranteed assignment if you do not pay your deposit before June 1.

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Can I request accommodations for a medical condition or disability?

Yes. Indicate the accommodation you need on your RSP form and submit any supporting paperwork to the appropriate office by 4 p.m. on February 26. There will be a designated selection based on your requirements.

SUNY Cortland is committed to upholding and maintaining all aspects of the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Students with documented disabilities or medical conditions may request housing accommodations. Any information regarding your disability will remain confidential and will be shared only with your permission. Back to top.

How do I sign up for a room?

Once you have completed your RSP Form, you will receive a selection time on March 20th to choose a room. Log on to myRedDragon at your assigned time and complete the room selection steps. Back to top.

Can I check my room assignment once I've completed RSP?

You should check your room assignment and can do so at any time on the main screen of The Housing Portal. Back to top.

Who is eligible to select a room?

All returning students who are currently enrolled and taking classes in the Spring 2024 semester at SUNY Cortland students that complete an RSP Form. New students admitted for Fall 2024 cannot participateBack to top.

What is the selection time based on?

Credit Hours: Each student’s credit hours toward graduation as of December. Students with the most credit hours choose first.

Dean’s List Points: An extra three points will be added to your total credit hours for each semester you have been on the Dean’s List at SUNY Cortland. Back to top.

Can I move on campus after moving off?

Yes. Complete the RSP Form by March 1. Back to top.

What if I am being harassed?

When a student selects a room, they have the right to not be harassed by any other student who may have wanted that room. Please note that any harassment of another student including sending abusive or threatening messages by any means will be processed through the Student Conduct Office and could result in the forfeit of your on-campus housing assignment, according to the College Code B-10– Electronic Use Policy and C-1-Harassment. If you are being harassed talk to your resident assistant or residence hall director/area coordinator. Back to top.

Can I change an answer on my RSP Form?

Yes. Once you have submitted your form, you will be able to revisit it to edit your answers. After March 1, you will not be able to make any changes to questions pertaining to special interest housing. Back to top.

What if I want to live off campus? What form should I fill out?

If you have met your housing requirement or will not live on campus for an academic reason, complete the Release from Housing form, found under Forms. Back to top.

Why doesn't the person I want to live with show up in the roommate search?

Only people who have completed the RSP Form are in the roommate selection pool. If the person you want to live with does not appear, ask them if they completed the RSP Form. If yes, double check the spelling of your roommate. Back to top.

What if I do not have a roommate? Can I still select a room?

Yes. We've added a separate selection for those who do not have roommate requests. 

If you are looking for additional roommates consider the following:

  • Do an advanced roommate search. You can choose search criteria to narrow down your search to your ideal roommate. Only those who completed an RSP Form are in the roommate search pool, so it is possible your options will increase the longer you wait.

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I have a group size of three or five. Can I still select a suite, quad or apartment?

No. We require you to fill the set occupancy of the space that you are signing up for. You will need to find one more person for your group to have the option to select a suite, quad or apartment. There are very limited five-person suites available in Higgins Hall.

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If I have a group of four or six am I guaranteed a suite, quad or apartment?

No, you are not guaranteed. Our residence halls are not able to accommodate everyone who wants a suite, quad or apartment; there are more four and six person groups than there are group spaces. Typically more than half of current freshmen will not be able to select a suite, quad or apartment. Please have a backup plan for your housing.

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Can I sign up for a room with a new student?

  • Current students cannot create roommate groups with incoming students
  • Current students seeking to have an incoming student as a roommate will need to wait until the summer to be placed together. Please complete the Housing Waitlist (available on May 1) and request them as a roommate in the comment section.

The incoming student should request you as well:

  • The incoming first-year/transfer student should request you on their New Student Housing Preference form available on April 1st.
  • The student on leave/being re-admitted should request you on the Housing Waitlist available on May 1.

We will do our best to match preferences, however suites and quads will be limited at that time.

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Is the $150 Room Deposit refundable?

For continuing students moving off campus or withdrawing after the room deposit is paid, the policy is: residence life and housing must receive written notification by June 1 for full $150 refund; by July 1 for $100 refund, and by Aug. 1 for $50 refund. Starting on Aug. 2 there is no refund of the $150 room deposit. Students with waivers will be billed the amounts listed above based on the date they notify residence life and housing that they are moving off campus. Back to top.

Is there a room deposit waiver?

Student staff members, EOP students and C.U.R.E. students will receive a room deposit waiver that delays your payment of the $150. Residence Life and Housing staff will submit your name as to Student Accounts to indicate you "paid" your deposit. You will then be billed for the deposit.

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What if I can't pay my deposit?

Deposit waivers are available to students who are Pell Grant eligible and have next year's FASFA on file with the Financial Aid Office. Visit Financial Aid to review your options.

Where can I live?

Residence life and housing offers many different styles of living. View all of your options.

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Why is there is not a suite or apartment available for me to select?

The size of your group impacts the available rooms for you to choose. It is possible there are no longer any full suites, quads or apartments available for you to select as an entire group. First, try selecting from another selection process that you are eligible for, if applicable. Otherwise, split your group into subgroups to assign your group- this means you can assign your group near each other, but not in a suite. Back to top.