Visitor Policy and Registration Process
- Students can only host one visitor at the same time.
- Visitors must be of traditional college age (17-24).
- Parents and children are not allowed to stay overnight.
- Overnight visitors are permitted to stay in the residence hall/Judson Taylor Leadership House/West Campus Apartments only on weekends (Friday and Saturday).
- Visitors are not permitted during study days or the final exam period. Sunday through Thursday Visitors must leave by 2 a.m.
- Visitors are required to sleep in their host’s room and not in-residence hall/Judson Taylor Leadership House/West Campus Apartments lounges.
- A visitor must be escorted by their host at all times.
- Any student making arrangements for a visitor must first receive consent from their roommate. Students have the right to use their own room for the purposes of studying and sleeping.
Step 1-Visitor Registers
- Host must complete the registration form below. (Must be signed in with SUNY Cortland email address to access)
- The Form Requires the following:
- Guest's First and Last Name
- Guest's Mobile Phone Number
- Guest's Gender
- Guest's Date of Birth
- Guest's Email
- Guest Emergency Contact Name, Phone Number, and Email
- Vehicle Details (Make/Model, License Plate, Color) Only,if they have a Car
- Guest's Address
- Upload of Guest's ID (College ID, State ID, Driver's License, or Passport)
- Upload Current Photo of Guest (Taken within last 7 days)
Step 2 - (If Applicable)- Visitor/Host Contacts Parking
- For information regarding parking, contact or call 607-753-4123.
- Hours of operation are 8am-4pm, Monday-Friday
Alcohol Policy
Students less than 21 years of age may not use, possess, distribute, sell or be knowingly in the presence of alcoholic beverages on the college campus or in the Cortland community except as expressly permitted by law and College policy. The only exception is that underage students who reside with students of legal drinking age may be in the presence of alcohol in their assigned student residence hall room, provided these underage roommates do not distribute, sell, possess or consume alcohol.
Alcohol may be consumed by students or guests over 21 years of age only in student residence hall rooms if the residents responsible for the room are at least 21 years of age. Students present in a room where any alcohol is being consumed by under 21 year olds are in violation of the alcohol policy.
Quiet Hours
Quiet hours in each residence hall/Judson Taylor Leadership House/West Campus Apartments are designated from 11 p.m. to 8 a.m. Sunday -Thursday; and on weekends (Friday and Saturday), from 12 a.m. to 11 a.m. Quiet hours are defined as time during which all students should be able to sleep and/or study without disruption and that noise should not be heard outside the room, including from outside of the building.
Fire Safety
Because of the possibility of fires in the residence halls/Judson Taylor Leadership House/West Campus Apartments, the residence hall staff is especially concerned with taking all possible precautions to guard against fire. As a resident, you should take every precaution to guard against the possibility of fire and during your first floor meeting you will be made aware of fire safety techniques. You will be held responsible for any action which endangers others. Failure to evacuate a residence hall/Judson Taylor Leadership House/West Campus Apartments during an alarm is considered a serious violation of College policy.