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Prevention Education

Girl sitting on the steps of a buildingThe Prevention Education Office recognizes the adjustments students face when they embark on their academic careers. This sometimes includes moving away from family and long-time friends, to a new living and learning environment.

The manner in which students cope with these changes, and develop throughout their college years impacts the preparedness for their lives after college. Maintaining a healthy balance between social, academic, and work priorities can assist in this process, while use of alcohol and other drugs may compromise this development.

Our office exists to help students understand the connection between substance misuse and future success, to identify their individual risk factors for chemical dependency, and examine the choices they have made regarding alcohol and other drug use. Toward this goal, we provide the following services:

  • Self-referrals
    • We welcome self-referrals for students to privately speak about their substance use with an alcohol and drug educator. We examine patterns of substance use, and meet students where they are at. Our goal is to educate students and increase their ability to make healthy choices around using alcohol and other substances.
  • 3rd Millennium
    • An online course designed specifically to help students who have violated alcohol or cannabis policies make safer, healthier choices. The course provides a strong educational foundation to support campus judicial programs and is an essential component of our comprehensive alcohol prevention initiatives.
  • Counseling 
    • Individual counseling at our Counseling Center is available for students with alcohol or other drug-related problems.
  • Educational Outreach
    • The Prevention Educator is available to conduct a variety of training sessions and workshops on substance misuse for residence halls, COR 101 classes, student clubs, and organizations.
  • Information and Resources
    • A variety of materials concerning substance use and misuse are available for use by students, outside of the office in Van Hoesen, room B-1. Information about campus and other community resources is also available. Feel free to stop in, too!
  • Alcohol Free Environments and Events

Get Involved

  • Club Introvert
    • Tuesdays, from 4-5 pm, in Corey Union Room 209
      • Topics of conversation are advertised ahead of time, so there are no social surprise
      • Meet fellow introverts in a low-stakes, no pressure setting
      • Facilitated by two introverts who dread ice breakers, but also suffer from FOMO
  • Silver Linings Podcast
    • A mental health podcast acknowledging life’s complexities, using an optimistic and humorous approach
  • Last Call with Sarah and Marissa Podcast
    • A podcast that discusses various alcohol and other drug (AOD) topics - find all episodes and transcripts here

Online Resources